OK! Due Diligence: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 24 by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is available from most on-line retailers, and is publishing to the rest. It was, for a couple days, a Number One Amazon Bestseller, and has fallen today to Number Three. It has also garnered a surprising number of reviews — thanks to everyone who has taken the time!
Those who are just arriving at the party — there’s room for your review, too; if you are so moved.
Because there were So Very Many requests, Due Diligence will also, soon now, be available in paper, from Amazon. The reason it will not be available REALsoonnow, is that I made an error and have to fix it, as soon as Amazon stops doing something else that Amazon is doing with the file. O! Brave New World, that hath such golems in it!
In other news, there’s a small army of ducks between me and the work I really need to be doing, here, and the coon cats are not really much into duck hunting. Their advice is to curl up on the couch with a book and let the coon cats camouflage me as a Big Pile of Coon Cats. This is, I note, often their advice.
And that? Is all the news that’s fit to print.
. . .I do believe that I need more coffee. . .
I just entered “due diligence” on the baenebooks.com site into the search field and got:
Search results for ‘due diligence’
Your search returns no results.
Related search terms: Duel to the Death, Duel of Fire, DUE 35 Weasel and SAM qxd, Duel of the Ironclads, Duel of Desire
I’m not sure if I would be happy with this as an author.
Well, then we’re all fortunate that it’s our book and not yours, and that we’re neither happy nor unhappy about it.