The news for Tuesday

We have a winner for the Monday night drawing for a free MP3 edition of Dragon in Exile, the 18th novel-length Adventure in the Liaden Universe® created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, and!

The winner is Number 55!

Congratulations Number 55, well done, indeed!

We will be releasing the winner’s name on Welcome to Liad, as soon as we have verification and permission to do so.

And you!  Have you entered today’s drawing?  What drawing you ask?  Here’s the rules

We ask people to please read the rules and follow the directions.  “Entries” made at venues other than the venue stipulated will not be counted, plus you will make me cranky.  You don’t want to make me cranky.  Also!  We ask that people enter from the email address that they check at least daily, and not to enter twice from two different email addresses.  This will also make me cranky, and worse — I will mock you.

OK, then!

In other news, Steve had the first of an arranged two doctor appointments yesterday, in which most questions were deferred to the second doctor, who’s up on Wednesday.  I guess that’s a Watch the Skies.

Also, it snowed yesterday, and on the overnight, so first order of bidness this morning was sweeping snow, and have now moved on to coffee and answering my mail.  This will shortly be followed by more coffee, breakfast, and working on the Novel That Will Not End.

Everybody have a good day.

Here’s a photo of Twig to help you get that going.


3 thoughts on “The news for Tuesday”

  1. Oh, now, that’s a different picture – I was expecting cats and then I scrolled down…

    (now I have to wonder if I can perfect a ‘me-version’ of that glare to use on some of my students…hee 😉 )

  2. Twig was actually being gracious. At least he glared at me. Those who wanted a picture after me, got the back of his head.

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