One hundred thirty readers threw their names into the hat correctly for a chance to win a copy of the MP3 edition of Liaden Universe® novel Dragon in Exile, written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, narrated by Kevin T. Collins.
And the winner is!
Number 30, known to close friends as Lee Anderson, of Connecticut.
Let’s have a round of applause for the lucky winner!
We’ve now given away three out of a field of seven prizes. That means you — yes, you! and you over there, too! still have four chances to win. But there’s a catch.
Lean in close and I’ll tell you what it is.
You have to play to win.
What’s that? You don’t know how to play?
Here’s your link to the rules.
Please note that, if you choose to play a variant game, which does not follow these rules as they are lain out — you will be held to be playing a different game that has nothing to do with our game.