Day Six Winner

Eighty-eight valiant pilgrims threw their names into the hat to win one of two remaining copies of the MP3 edition of Dragon in Exile, a novel of the Liaden Universe®, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, narrated by Kevin T. Collins.

The winner, by random drawing, was!

Number 72, which would also be Tina Black
of Kansas City, Kansas

Alert readers of this blog will have deduced that there is

only one more book remaining from the original pile of seven.

Yep, today is your Absolute Last Chance to enter your name into the drawing to win that last MP3 edition of Dragon in Exile.

Entries are accepted ONLY at  Flailing about on the internet randomly posting wishes to win do nothing for your chances of actually winning.

Here is the link to the Rules.  Read the Rules.  All the way to the end.

Good luck.

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