In which it has been a day of parts

. . .too many parts, in fact, running in all directions at once.

Those who do not partake of the joys of Facebook may have missed the announcement that Sleeping with the Enemy, Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 22, is now on sale (as an ebook only) at Amazon, Kobo, ibooks, Page Foundry, and Tolino.  We are told that it will be published RealSoonNow at BN/Noon, Scribd, and 24Symbols.

As I write this, Alliance of Equals has garnered 86! reader reviews on Amazon.  Only 114 short of 200!  You guys are going gang-busters!

. . .as we used to say.

Steve and I have declared tomorrow an electron-free day, so we will be scarce-to-invisible.  If you have an urgent matter to resolve, you can try emailing the cats, but, well — good luck with that.

# # #

Progress on Book the Next
40,459/100,000 OR 40.46% complete

“Ah, but any system is subject to manipulation. For instance, one who stands in a position of strength may decide that one whose position is. . .less strong has not paid fully enough, and demand additional consideration.” She paused, head to one side. “It is rarely said, I think, that one has paid too fully, but we must be alert to the possibility.”

Childrens Book Cellar Steve and Sharon photo by Ellen Richmond

5 thoughts on “In which it has been a day of parts”

  1. I loved “Sleeping With the Enemy” – the first story I read and reread on Baen, and the new one. However, I want to mention in case you can do something about this: the table of contents came grayed out, so I had to read the authors’ commentary and the first story before I could get to the second. Is there a fix for this?

  2. I don’t know. But I do know that it would help a lot if I knew what kind of file you’re reading — mobi? epub? — and if you’re using a dedicated ereader or an app on your phone. Because! Though I tried for hours to get rid of the ToC, the conversion program insists on it, and I finally stopped fighting with it only because it worked in my review copies, though it was in the wrong place and nothing I could do would move it. Thanks.

  3. I ordered through Amazon, so it’s whatever their Kindle uses in files. I’m reading on my Kindle.

  4. I could see everything fine on my Nook. I read the first story on Baen and thought it was wonderful. Still do. The second story, I think I read an excerpt somewhere but there was more detail in the new story. I liked it.

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