Five hundred and eighty people responded to the roll call during the month of June.
This counts those who read by RSS feed, and on the several places where this blog is mirrored. Replies came in from Blog Without a Name, Eagles Over the Kennebec, Goodreads, Amazon, Baen’s Bar, and email.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply.
One last answer to a roll call question: Sad as it may be, I’m not certain myself whether Coyster is still around to be fed. He would be quite an old cat by now. However, assuming that the advances in life-extension that seem to afflict the human characters of the Liaden Universe® have been extended to companion animals — Kamele left the house in the care of her BFF, Ella ben Suzan. Granted, Ella hadn’t cared much for Jen Sar, but I do think she takes her responsibilities seriously, so we can safely assume that No Cats Are Going Hungry. No matter what they tell you.
Of boxes and books and signing pens:
Three boxes of signed-and-personalized books left the Confusion Factory by FedEx yesterday afternoon, and should be arriving at Uncle Hugo’s this (Friday) afternoon. Let us all sing the praises of Eddie, the FedEx guy.
The other ten boxes of books are to travel via UPS. We called them yesterday for a pick-up, but — because we live ‘Way Out In The Country — the soonest they could get together a safari to come into the bush was today. The books will, therefore, arrive in Minneapolis Sometime Later next week, We hope for Wednesday, but expect Thursday.
Two gel pens gave their lives to this project. Mourn them as you find best.
No writing yesterday, except the signature kind. Must do dishes, and Serious Work today, despite the blandishments of coon cats, who want me to go back to bed.
I let the purple wash out of my hair after BaltiCon, and for several weeks, no one has mentioned my hair. I did not quite slip back into total invisibility, but, I did have to Talk Loud a couple times.
Last night, I started to re-purple, in honor of the upcoming book tour.
And that’s all the news that’s fit to print.
Everybody have a good Friday.
Cats are always hungry if ours is anything to go by. He isn’t a coon but may have Norwegian Forest blood as he has all the traits.
I cannot wait for the next instalment in the Liaden Saga but it looks like I will have to be patient. Most book purchases are ebooks these days, Baen ebooks is my vendor of choice as I can get drm free stuff from them, I try not to buy anything from amazon and wouldn’t buy kindle under any circumstances.
Hmm. I wonder if that is why a woman I met colored the tips of her white hair orange and black. It looked a little odd at first, but I grew to really like it. She definitely wasn’t invisible! The idea sounds better all the time, but I will wait until I am retired. 🙂
I love these little life of the authors snippets! They make me think, and smile. This morning, I laughed out loud at one point. Thank you for sharing!
Hope you did not have cramps in your signing hand. I am really looking forward to receiving the print version as I tend to scan when reading an ebook.
John Lewis, you don’t have to wait much longer. Alliance of Equals is at Baen in final DRM format on July 5th, the same day as hc is released. I also restrict my Liaden ebook purchases to Baen. Can always download another copy in whatever format is needed.
Invisibility – to prevent this at 80, I wear a hat of emphatic color which may or may not match my outfit. Without it, I do need to TALK LOUD. I hadn’t thought of adding color to my hair, hum, let’s see, maybe bright red or orange or blue? You have me thinking, a painful process.
I miss both Coyster and Mandrin and am a bit miffed at some of the happenings over which I have no control, for example, the publication date for Alliance of Equals. I am not currently “at home” or near it and won’t be for too long. I’ll get my copy a long month late. No, I don’t read electronic versions of books, short stories, maybe, but not novels. Going to have to resist looking at or going near sites and postings about the book. Darn, Darn, DARN! Yeah, and I’ll probably read it in a day, two at the most and then re-read it for things I missed before another week is out. Ahhh. . . anticipation, anticipation.
Hi Pat Lang, I already have A of E in eArC form and won’t need another unless there is a second edition.
I was reading the replies to Sharon’s query about YA or OA books and have to say I read anything I like the look of. I read everything Anne Mcafrey wrote and realised some of the filler stories were possibly written ‘differently’ and my eldest daughter who is seriously into sci-fi and attends conferences and stuff has pointed me at stuff she says YA but apart from that I don’t think about it.
When I was growing up in the 1940s I haunted our local public library, my method of choosing a book to read was to pick a shelf with a subject that looked interesting and read every book on that shelf.
I read everything about the Northwest Passage for example, or the various polar explorations , I knew more about eskimoes than I did about British history but I also read Jeffrey Farnol, Georgette Heyer and loads of others I don’t remember simply because they happened to be on the shelf I was devouring.
I worked my way through all the classics (Austen, Scott, RLS, Dickens etc etc). Have to admit that I find some of them a bit slow going when I have tried re-reading them, gutenburg books is a fabulous source of ebooks. I don’t use a dedicated reader but have small laptop and rely on Calibre as a converter/reader.
I read most anything and have been know to sit up much of the night to finish a book many a time, my wife has given up complaining too much.
YAY!!! Purple!!!! YAY!!!
I use Overtone conditioner. You use it in place of your regular conditioner, leave it on five minutes, rinse out the excess and violin! colored hair. If you continue to use it every wash, you’ll build up the color; if you stop using it, eventually it just fades away (it took 2 weeks for every single bit of purple to wash out of my hair). It comes in bright colors and pastels, and there are sample sizes, so you can see which color you like best.
I use a blend of “Vibrant” blue and “Vibrant” purple, which gives me a sort of lavender color that I like a lot.
Good luck!