Interactive Play

If you read this, please leave a comment.  Tell me, oh, how long you’ve been reading — the blog and/or our work — and what brings you here, and what the weather’s like today.


65 thoughts on “Interactive Play”

  1. I’ve been reading your books and blog for, oh, about two years. As I’m your age and love Sci Fi, I really have no idea how I missed your books until now. I absolutely love them, and reread them when there is nothing new I’m interested in reading. The great thing was, I had so MANY to read once I started. I bought Agent Gambit as it was two in one, and now I anxiously await any new works.
    Thank you for all that!!

  2. Years and years. I have my old original AGENT OF CHANGE copy somewhere but upgraded to new copies (and Kindle version) for easier rereading. I immediately buy the eARC release of the newest offering and of course the hardcover when it comes out. As for the blog, probably 5 or 6 years…I didn’t know about author blogs for a long time but when I discovered that some of my favorite authors had blogs and other social media presences I started looking at them. I don’t have either a Twitter or Facebook account but when they let me follow them without joining I do. You are an author I check regularly
    (usually at least daily) to see if there’s something new.

    As for weather, grey and gloomy, 38 now and in the low 40s later. Snow probable Monday evening/Tuesday but thankfully not near as much as we had not too long ago.

    I would have commented at Eagles, the other blog, because I usually go there to read the newest posting but since you have to have an account I read it but can’t comment.

    Anne in Virginia

  3. I’ve been reading your books since a friend pulled a beat up paperback of Local Custom out of a library book sale pile and said I’d like it in 2005. After that I picked up used copies of everything out of print and since digital copies when Baen reissued. You’re the leader in bought new hardcovers on my bookshelves.

    I follow your log via feedly and the RSS feed.

    Sunny and warm by our standards in MN – it may hit 35. I’m looking forward to seeing in the good light.

  4. I read ywo of your early books in college (the 70s). Lost touch until about four years ago. Found the blog about two years ago. Also check here daily, usually do not comment. The weather is clear, windy, and mild in this part of Colorado.

  5. I had been hearing about the Liaden books for a long time, on Usenet primarily, so when the Meisha Merlin omnibus versions were released, I pounced. I was leaving on a week’s vacation the day they came, and I admit I passed up several proffered lutings that week so I could read and reread them. I was so delighted that the books were every bit as good as Usenet had indicated. That was early this century.

    These days, I buy eARCs for the Liaden books and then buy the final version as well. I bounced pretty hard off the Carousel books — I could see that the one I read was objectively good, but alas, not my thing.

    I’ve been reading the blog off and on for awhile. I’m here today because your blog is currently part of my daily blog tour.

  6. I’ve been reading your books since the late ’80’s or early 90’s – basically since the beginning. Nowadays I only read ebooks because the eyes got old, like the rest of me. Just turned 79. ? I just discovered the blog a couple of month ago – love the cat pictures. Today, in IL it’s sunny and low 40’s. Won’t last tho.

  7. I’ve been reading your books since 1988. I own all of the Liaden novels. I found your blog and other websites years ago when I was wondering if there were any more books in the works. Thanks for years of reading pleasure. I really enjoy the wit in your blog while waiting for the next novel!

  8. Started Reading, about the time Trade Secret came out in hardback. Blog, maybe a couple of years. Bought everything I could find, re-read all maybe three times. Was thirsting for more Lee and Miller so picked up Carousel.Enjoyed. Waiting?. Cold, 28, foggy, Spokane Wa

  9. We have been reading (and re-reading) your books for several years now. Been reading and chuckling through the blog for a few years now. Send whiskers at times as well.

    thanks for taking the time for posting – it gives us a snapshot look into the Confusion and Cat Factory, so to speak.

    Best wishes that you both stay healthy. The weather here on Califonica’s Central coast is windy, warm and dry today.

  10. Reading your books and stories for at least 10 – 12 years now…maybe longer? Found through something written by, I think, Anne McCaffrey. I’ ve re-read many times and enjoy new stories and books!

    Your blog and Liaden website, the past few years. I enjoy the cats’ tales, being without at the moment, between puppy and other household members allergies.

    Southwest Virginia, low 40’s and light overcast at the moment. 1 to 3 inches of snow tomorrow night.

    Hope there are many words to read, arranged in the usual inimitable fashion!

  11. I love the Liaden Universe (TM). I stumbled upon it I guess about 8 years ago at the public library. I’ve been greedily reading all the books and collections since then – eBooks from Baen – many, multiple times. I’m fully invested in what happens to the inhabitants! Can’t wait for the next installment!

    I read the blogs sporadically, originally by catching updates via twitter, until a year or so ago when I added this site’s RSS feed to Feedly.

    I’m also a supporter on Patreon. Glad the back-up generator is working.

    It’s been pretty chilly lately in New Mexico, though a warming trend is coming this week with highs in the mid-60s. We’ve received very little snow here, near the Rio Grande, but the mountains have been getting a good amount, I’m glad to note.

  12. I’ve been reading your books since Meisha Merlin published your books. (Also at a recommendation from Anne McCaffrey). I have all your books, including the chap books and mag short stories. I’ve been checking your web site since you were self publishing the chap books.
    Sunny and 50 degrees with freezing rain tonight in Ohio.

  13. I’ve been reading your blog for roughly a month. I have been reading and rereading your books for many years starting with Agent of Change. Thank you for the many hours of enjoyment.


  14. I’ve been reading your work since 1989 according to my well-loved paperback of Agent of Change. Its spine is broken, corners worn and pages yellowed but I took great care not to let it fall apart because, for a long time, I thought I might never be able to acquire another copy.
    I had somehow lost my copy of Conflict of Honors when moving in 1995 or so and had thought it gone forever but I introduced my new boyfriend (now husband) to the Liaden Universe and he used his incredible search-fu to find a copy on the other side of the country so he wouldn’t miss out on any of the story.

    I’ve been reading the blog for probably 4 to 5 years maybe more and thanks to you I’ve been collecting cat whiskers ever since.

    Ridiculously warm in Connecticut for February at a balmy 50F with bright sunshine but still a good coat of snow on the ground left over from Friday’s storm.

  15. I’ve been checking the blog regularly from when I found your book´s around 3 years ago (imagine my happiness to find a series that had so many books!!!).
    The whether in Iceland is ok at the moment but it´s going to be a storm in the night in Eastern part of the country tonight. (sorry about misspellings, English is my second

  16. Hi! I’ve been reading Lee & Miller books and stories for some time now, whenever I happened to run across them. About a year ago I discovered I needed to put things in order for myself and started reading them in chronological order. I discovered some problems in finding them at my local library and now own more than half of your catalog in all formats. I re-read all of them quite often. I’m located in Portland, Oregon, and the weather here today is gorgeous: blue skies and sunny with temps between high 50s and low 60s. Just found the blog last August and now read it every day. Thank you.

  17. I have been reading your books since the ’90s and your blog for a couple years via RSS. 70’s sunny blue skies. Santa Barbara CA. We might get rain some day. Maybe.

  18. I’ve been reading your books since the first three came out in paperback. I mostly read in e-book format now. I’ve been reading the blog for two or three years. In beautiful sunny southern Arizona the temp is in the mid-70s.

  19. I have been reading the Liaden books for about ten years. I’ve read most of the 2-3 times. I found your blog about a year ago and started checking it every couple of days. I really appreciate reading about the day to day activities of being a writer and a cat owner. One of my cats is helping me type this by trying to walk on the keyboard. I can’t wait for the new book! What happens when Kamele and Dav and Aelliana all meet?

  20. I’ve been following the blog for about 3 years (at least several cats ago)but only lurked for about the first year. I discovered “Local Custom” by accident at work (I’m a librarian at a large urban public library) so immediately tried to find out what else you had written and how I might acquire it. I got the Meisha Merlin editions of everything available via Amazon, which should give you an idea of how long ago this was. And it was amazing I hadn’t encountered your work before. We had nothing else at my library back then, of course, as our permanent collection is largely hardcover; paperbacks are treated as ephemera and uncatalogued so it was sheer dumb luck I stumbled on Local Custom. I googled and found the blog to keep up with what you were doing/writing. I particularly value the Constellation anthologies because they give me access to the stories that were previously only out in magazines and chapbooks. (valuable backstory) I may read other formats, and now make sure Work buys your hardcovers, but I only buy paperbacks so am eagerly awaiting the pbk of Dragon in Exile so I can re-read it.
    The weather is wet and cloudy with showers; and warmish (ca 9 degrees C), which is entirely seasonal for SW British Columbia.

  21. I’ve been reading your books for about 1 1/2 years. My husband introduced me to them via Theo. After reading her books, he and I got as many as we could and have been going strong since then. I’ve reread all of them multiple times. I started reading your blog about a year ago. Thanks so much for this. I enjoy your posts a lot. Maybe I’ll try pickle ball thanks to you. I guess the weather was fine. We were in a swim meet this morning so I wasn’t paying much attention. Thanks so much.

  22. Reading since the late 80’s/early 90’s while stationed in Hawaii when I picked up Conflict of Honors.i. I’ve been following your blog for a couple of years, to get advance notice of what you’re writing and what is coming out next, plus cat pictures. Weather is great here in Phoenix – 75º and blue skies.

  23. I started reading Liaden books about 10 years ago, I think. It was when Mesha Merlin was still publishing the omnibus editions. However, I’ve been aware of your books since they were first published. My mom bought the first three when they were first published and I remember her re-reading them about once a year, to the point where the paperbacks were almost falling apart.

  24. I first found the Liaden books in 2003 and immediately bought everything in print. I think I’ve been subscribed to your blog for a couple of years. Author blogs must be my version of celebrity magazines. It was sunny here today and the snow is considering melting.

  25. I have no firm records re time. Long-time friend that I talk to weekly raved about Liaden books unknown-years back. My public library (still-despite my submitting request for purchase) has none and I forgot until the topic came up again 2-3 years back. Book she recommended starting with was out of print. After much evaluation of volumes available, I just bought the first 10 novels, 2 only available used at that time. Now own and have reread all available. Also recommended them to best local friend who is now also a fan. I am a recent blog follower; until I found yours the only other blog I read more than once was Whatever. Today was grey and chilly.

  26. I’m posting here since I don’t have an LJ account. I’ve been reading your books since Local Custom came out. I bought all the early books from our former SF book store (now regretfully only selling comics and collectibles). I now, luckily, have everything in both print and ebook. I follow your blog daily on LJ — it was the first author blog I started reading. The weather here in North Texas is warm and sunny and leaning toward a new drought. It should drop into the 40s overnight. Thank you for the ongoing pleasure of reading your books and short stories and for the insight into life in Maine.

  27. I’ve been reading your blog for a few years (my 1st author blog), and your books for decades. My sister is one of the old “friends of Liad,” and she introduced me to the series. I have an old paperback “Agent of Change” she got me at the used book store when we were young and light on cash, a couple hardbacks she gave me though the years, and all of Liad & Carousel on ebooks. The weather here is chilly in your old MD stomping grounds, but much of our 30″ of blizzard snow has thankfully melted. Thank you for many lovely hours of reading and traveling to other worlds with wonderful stories and characters that engage emotions and mind.

  28. Somewhere roundabouts 2010, when Borders lost the battle and the local store was clearing out their stocks, I picked up the omnibus “The Dragon Variation”, because it was cheap, a three-for-one, and had “Dragon” in the title and a quote from Anne McCaffrey on the cover. After a closer look at home discovered that it did not, in fact, boast dragons of the fire-breathing or shapechanging variety, I left it on the shelf for a year or so, until I ran out of my “standard” fare and decided to try and see why a sci-fi book was labeled with dragons when all the characters looked to be human.

    Halfway through the first tale – “Local Custom” – I paused for a gasp of air, hit Amazon (seeing as my bookstore was gone by then), and ordered the entire. rest. of. the. series. Every new book since has a proud place on my shelves, and I usually grab the Baen eArc for an impatient early read, to give me time to calm down and savor the hardcover when it finally lands in my hands. I stumbled on the blog while trying to figure out the reading order, and stayed for the cats and glimpses of books to come and the way your words turn life tales into Tales of Life. I just finished devouring the Carousel series, and immensely enjoyed my weekend trip to Maine.

    I’m pretty much – okay, more honestly “always” – a lurker, seeing as there’s usually someone with a similar thought and better wording ahead of me. But you did request a check-in – and my head’s still whirling around the Archers Beach carousel – so I will take the opportunity to say – thank you. Thank you, Sharon, for writing everything you – and Steve – write, and everything about how you write it. I realize it is a selfish wish, but I hope that you and your household will continue to live and thrive and write for many, many years to come.

  29. I read Conflict of Honors when it was new, and loved it, but lost it in an unwise book loan. Rediscovered it, and Agent of Change in the mid 90’s. Lost my DelRey AoC in another unwise loan. 🙁 Bought the MM omnibus editions as they came out (thank you, awesome local bookstore) and found but not the blog(s) until a few years ago. But no, I was certainly sporadically looking at *something.* What, I no longer recall, but I have feeling-memories: outrage (for you) for MM going down, disappoinment that I’d only just missed reading Theo’s online beginning, and dancing happy joy about you coming to Baen where you’d “finally be where you belonged” (by which I meant be among other authors I loved; a publisher who had the good taste to love them, would, I was sure, love you too, distribute you properly and pay on time and NOT GO OUT OF BUSINESS).

    Only started reading this blog regularly around when I got my latest phone, 2013? 14? What brings me here… it’s no mere desire for Production Updates on something I’m pantingly eager to buy, it’s, it’s… Your form of self expression…suits me to a T. I like your tastes, as I learn of them. I like your turns of phrase. The things you deem noteworthy are things I find interesting. You spot irony, I have a taste for irony. Things you mention as amusing do make me smile. “Things too small to mention and too numerous to ignore.” Stuff like that. Plus your cats!

    Back in the 80’s we adopted a stray, very skinny but as it turned out pregnant Maine Coon, and kept her & all of her 4 kittens. Belle looks exactly like one of them. We’ve have been catless since we lost the last one about a decade ago (at almost 20).

    Today was sunny, cloudless and warm in Cotati, Calif. About 73°F. A very worrisome lack of rain. Very NOT the flooding El Niño conditions I heard, last fall, would be coming our way this winter.

  30. I’d been reading your original works in paper for a long time…and re-reading…and re-reading. Then I stumbled on Fledging in mid-write online and happily followed along. Having now purchased the full ebook collection from Baene, I’m waiting eagerly for “Alliance of Equals” to be released. I made the mistake of buying the last one half-done in a Baene bundle, told myself I’d wait until it was complete to read it so it would last me. Yah right.

    I follow your blog pretty regularly since its either that or turn into some kind of creepy stalker as I wait (ahem) *patiently* for the next book. (Just kidding, just kidding. That drone that’s been buzzing around your house? Not mine. Really.)

    Seriously though, while I did initially come for progress updates, I now read it because I enjoy your writing, the insights into the creative process, the sharing of your life challenges, and, of course, the cat pictures!

    Minnesota was nice today (above freezing) but snow and colder for the start of the week.

  31. About eight years since I was in college, working a summer job and a coworker came by and said “I know you like books, you should read this” and then I read it and then I read all of them and then my mother read them and then she bought all of them. I actually subscribe to the rss feed of this blog, and I was just looking through my “authors” section which is usually what I read first/most, and saw this. 🙂 The weather here is sunny, nice enough to go bicycling in shirtsleeves and worry a little about getting sunburned, but without actually getting sunburned.

  32. Goodreads informs me that I read the Crystal books in the spring of 2013, and the rest of the Liaden back catalogue a year later. I probably stumbled upon your blog in 2014 as well, while I was googling frenetically for every scrap of information I could find about these wonderful books. (In addition to this blog, I found the wiki, a TV Tropes page, and one brave blogger doing a complete series reread, chapbooks and all.)

    I come here for the snippets and other inside information that you occasionally bestow; also for coon cats, book recommendations (my own to-read list is periodically augmented after a visit here)

  33. Rats! My finger slipped and hit the submit button before I could inform you about today’s weather, which is not yet dreadful, but will be shortly. Fortunately, my office closed in advance of today’s Great Big Snowstorm. Here in the metro Boston area we’re supposed to receive eight to twelve more inches, and it’s giving me terrible flashbacks to last winter, when we had nothing at all until February and then ten inches or so every couple days for approximately eternity.

  34. Your books were recommended by a friend about five years ago. I got Fledgling and Saltation in paperback, got the two compilations from Amazon, stumbled across a prepublication copy of Crystal Variation in The Strand. I then mail ordered Partners in Neccesity,(never opened as I had the books) found a brand new overstock of Balance of Trade and the Tomorrow Log, and I was current. Since then I have gotten Earcs of the next books, in addition to ordering the final editions in book form, I’ve also gotten the Ebook editions fron Baen of all the older books, so I can read them on my iPad.

    I found the blog a few years ago and read it several times a week. The weather in northern NJ is crisp with a chance of snow.

  35. Hmmm…I have probably been reading the books for 10+ years and your blog for a couple of years now. We are getting ready for more snow here in Maryland. Yipee?

  36. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time now. I started on the livejournal site. I don’t remember how I found your first book, but I’ve read everything you have published. I was pregnant while you were publishing chapters weekly for Fledgling and Saltation (and no, I’ve no idea what happy accident caused that temporal association). The weekly posts really helped me pace (plod?) through those times. I am one of those who did not “glow with wonderful energy” for 40 weeks.

    Hot afternoons this week (Sunny and in the 80’s) here in San Diego with Santa Ana winds. I think our winter is done.

    I check your blog nearly every day. While I like the cat pictures, what I most enjoy is your honest window onto your life.

  37. I had started reading the core series, as others mentioned, the edition I had, had the blurb from Anne McCaffery, about the series being “comfort books” as I recall.

    Then there seemed to be a dry spell, as books either did not come out, or I was shopping and would find one, and not buy it as I did not remember if I had read it or not.

    Along 2010 or so, I found the Partners in Necessity compilation at the Half Price Books in Indianapolis. It was like $5. Picked that up. And, I was re-hooked. Picked up the rest of the missing books. Became a Theo fan with Fledgling (book, not on-line) branched out to the Carousel books as well.

    40 degrees today in South Central Michigan, winter storm expected in the next day or two.

  38. Hello:

    I discovered the Liaden Universe around 5 years ago. I think it was through a link on IO9. I have read all the books at least twice.

    The blog? I think about 2-3 years now.

    The weather? Here is lovely Chicagoland we’re around 30 degrees with snow possible this evening. Not much, though. Just a dusting.

  39. I first found Conflict of Honors at a library about a decade ago. I scoured the libraries for the Agent of Change books, bought any books I could find used, and found your online presence in time to follow along with Fledgling. I’ve been stopping by this blog about once a week for the last 4 or 5 years. I enjoy your word pictures of Maine and the ocean (stuck in the interior US myself), your cats (I’m allergic but love them), and the glimpse into the Exciting Life of Writers. Today’s below freezing and gusting close to 40 mph.

  40. Once I discovered the books, I also started reading the blog. I am big time into Science Fiction – and adore Georgette Heyer. What I did not realize, is that I have a kind of ‘prejudice’ against 2 author books. SO it took WAY too much time to discover because I would pass by the names. However, once I did, I’ve read everything you have published. I read the entire collection at least once a year (as I also read Georgette Heyer, CJ Cherryh, Bujold and some others). Hopefully close to the publish date of the next one so as to keep up with it.
    I usually check your blog daily while at work. I enjoy prolific writers and get real pleasure out of seeing what’s up with you. For a February day in Pennsylvania, it’s almost a balmy 46 out. Been an odd winter.

  41. First read Agent of Change long enough ago to be one of the people who waited and begged and waited and waited and waited for book 4. Only chapbooks managed to keep the cravings at bay.
    Started reading the blog when I lost the email account where I had subscribed to the mail-list (?) or whatever it was called. Unfortunately, I am on the edge of internet service and can only check in irregularly, maybe once or twice a week, often less.
    Weather, may, hopefully, get above freezing today. The snow may not be tired of me yet, but I am getting quite tired of it. Overcast and gray. February.

  42. Reading your books maybe 4 years, the blog a little less. Bought a big omnibus at a used bookstore, *Partners in Necessity.*

    We’re having summer in LA area this week, highs in the mid-80s. About 3.5in of rain so far this year in my area; if this was a big, wet El Niño year, we’re not in the right spot.

  43. I’m with CatBookMom almost all the way: no cats (bad allergy)and weather slightly cooler, just a couple of low 80’s and 70’s ahead. However, I did find you a bit earlier – maybe 15 years ago?

  44. Reading your books – about seven years.

    Reading this blog – Maybe three years, not sure. Before coming here to your site, I read your blog on LiveJournal.

    I’m here today because… well, there’s always a chance of reading something interesting.

    Weather -Cooler (highs in the 50’s) and WET! It’s been a very odd winter in my part of SC. We had one cold week, followed by a week that flirted with 80 degrees every day. And rain… lots and lots of rain, which is very unusual for winter.

  45. Started reading your books when I found the CD with Embiid samples. Since then I’ve bought them all, some in more than one format.

    Found the LJ journal somehow via an InfoDump aroun 2010.

    weather was clear and cold and sunny earlier today (low 20’s F), then flurries of snow with a touch of ice and cold.

    Come to the blog just about daily, as I enjoy your turn of phrase, the snippets, the updates, the cats and the occasional news of your boytoy.


  46. Started reading your books 4 or 5 years ago and have been reading your blog for a couple of years. Weather today was pleasant and should be warmer tomorrow.

  47. I enjoy reading of your progress in writing and the day in Maine.
    Weather here on Cape Cod is snowy, windy, and chilly.
    We’ve been taking turns shoveling and napping.

  48. I’ve been reading your work – and I’m pretty sure that I’ve bought everything you’ve published – ever since I purchased a copy of the original edition of Agent of Change in the ’80’s. And I’ve been following your blogs – this one and your Eagles Over the Kennebec for about 10 years.
    I enjoy following the progress of your work and the details of your lives like I would friends.
    The weather here in Southwest Missouri is cold – for here – with highs in the 20’s and windy; but no snow on the ground and no precipitation in the forecast.

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