Five Minutes of Fame

So, today! the featured Boskone mini-interviews are from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.  Here’s the link.  I should mention here that our interviews of part of an ongoing series, and if you haven’t been following it, you should definitely take the opportunity to start following them now.  I’ve been having a lot of fun with them.

Also! If you’re planning to attend Boskone, remember that rates  go up on January 20, so you want to buy that membership now!

*looks at calendar*

Well. . . I suppose it’s not too soon, really.

*clears throat*

Watch the Skies

. . .we’ll have a little something set out for you guys on Welcome to Liad, right around  December 24.

Also!  If you’ve been waiting for the third book in Alma Alexander’s Were Chronicles — and I know you have — it’s now up for preorder.  I think you all know what to do.

Today is Terrorize the Cats Day, as I intend to unleash the Cat Eating Machine.  The rest of the day will be devoted to The Gathering Edge.

Tomorrow is going to be a day off, very likely our last day off until we turn in the manuscript and head off to Boskone, early next year.

Hope everyone’s having a good day, surrounded by pleasant people.

Mozart on his scratcher



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