It’s in! It’s up! It’s ready to rumble!
. . .and I do mean rumble.
We want to thank all of you so much for helping us go forward with this big step. Not only did you give us encouragement, you gave us the confidence we needed to commit to such a large, expensive project. Knowing that we will be able to pay this off by the end of next year is almost as comforting as knowing that the heat and the lights will stay on here at the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory, even if the lines go down.
Here are pictures of our new, fully operational generator.
The view from the side:
The view from the front:
The Confusion Factory Generator Installation Project was made possible by the cash contributions of many, many very kind and generous people. Thank you all!
It looks great!
Very clean installation! You might want to insulate the gas line, though.