Shameless self-promotion first! The interview we did with John Mierau is now Live! On the Internet! The first segment is Greg Miller talking about his adventures with Kinda Funny, then Lee and Miller describing our adventures in crowdfunding across the centuries. Here’s your link.
As I probably failed to mention here, I spent a good portion of last Saturday digging in the dirt. We did at last bury Mozart’s ashes in the Cat Garden, where he joins Socks and Hexapuma, Max!, Patia, Kodi, and Nicky.
After a brief Ceremony of Remembrance, and seeing as I had the shovel and the rake out in the middle of a sunny, if slightly chilly October day, I took it upon myself to thin the daffodils, which had been needing attention. Boy, had they. I transplanted some of the gathered bulbs into the cat garden, but still had over three pounds of bulbs left. I put out a call on Facebook, and a kind friend down-coast claimed all three pounds. Which of course meant that Steve and I had to drive to the beach yesterday, in order to hand over the goods.
It was a fine day for a drive. We made the delivery, then hit the beach, where it was. . .a little chilly. We took a walk, went out to Saco to have lunch at Salt Bay, and went back down to the beach for another walk, and to say hello to Googin’s Rock. On the way home, we stopped The Dairy Corner for ice cream — Steve had pumpkin ice cream in a cone; I had mint chocolate chip in a cup.
Today, having spoken yet again to the insurance company, I need to get to work.
Today’s blog title brought to you by Cat Stevens, “Tea for the Tillerman.” Here’s your link.
Here, have a picture of me, standing outside of Myst (which was closed), looking across the circle to the carousel.