According to File 770, the San Jose in 2018 Worldcon bid is seeking suggestions for Guests of Honor.
WorldCon GoH is a big deal; a recognition of life time achievement in the field; and the criterion for suggestions provided by the San Jose bid committee reflect this. In particular, suggested GoHs must have:
- An established career, usually considered to be 30 years from entry into the field.
- Current relevance, usually considered to be current activity and notability. In the case of writers, availability of their back catalog in print/distribution is an excellent yardstick.
- No prior recognition as a Worldcon Guest of Honor (for past guests, see
The committee intends to honor guests in the fields of: Writing, Editing, Art, Music, Science, and Fandom.
Recommendations will be accepted through December 15, 2015. Full information, with links here.
If you are considering suggesting a writer GoH, you do have a good resource available to you so that you can check such things as that 30-year established career. It’s the Science Fiction Encyclopedia. Here’s the link.
According to the SF Encyclopedia, Steve Miller began publishing in 1976; Sharon Lee in 1980. The Lee-Miller collaboration is dated as from “The Naming of Kinzel,” published in 1984.