So we here in the US have an end-of-summer holiday which we call Labor Day, a day devoted to drinking beer, eating grilled food, ritually mowing the lawn, and in general striving to forget that tomorrow, Tuesday, will be the end of a nice three-day-weekend, that summer is, indeed, over, and the next work holiday is Thanksgiving Day. Unless one works retail, of course.
Steve and I took a strange, fragmented little vacation at Old Orchard Beach — we went down together for a night, so we could both see the Thursday fireworks; I went home on Friday, returning on Monday, when Steve went home, returning on Thursday so we could both see the Thursday fireworks, and then removing the whole encampment back to Central Maine on Friday. I read a lot, walked a lot, and in general vegged out. It was great.
Real work will recommence on the morrow, with such things on the roster as a visit to the vampyres (to determine if the new dosage of my thyroid meds has done the trick); a call to the town to determine its interests and necessities in the matter of siting generators — and, depending on what we learn there, subsequent phone calls to various contractor-type persons. We will also be taking up the writing reins again — at the moment, we have two short stories and a novel on our plates — and will be winding the week down with a small natal day celebration.
While we were away, Madame the Agent let us know that Dragon in Exile, the eighteenth novel set in the Liaden Universe® created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is Number 6 on the Locus Bestselling Hardcover List for June 2015 (reported in the September issue). Number 1 is Seveneves, by Neal Stephenson, and the funny thing about that is that Neal was in Boston doing a tour in support of his book the day before we were in Boston, doing a tour in support of our book.
Small world.
While I was on vacation, Eset decided to Protect Me from posting to my own blog. I am therefore reproducing here an account of one of my walks, which I would have posted here, but which instead went to Facebook (because Eset thinks Facebook is Totally Safe?). Anyhow, here’s that entry, for those of you who don’t Facebook, and for me, so that I actually have some hope of finding it again.
September 2, 2015, reporting from New Temp Headquarters, Old Orchard Beach, Maine
So, this morning’s walk. . .
I left New Temp Headquarters and walked up East Grand to Old Orchard Street, took the left at 1st Street and walked through Veteran’s Square Memorial Garden, up Heath Street to see if the A-Z Market (in the Old Orchard Beach timeline) had ever really come back after their “temporary” closing, three years ago. The answer to that is…sorta. There’s a kind of lunch counter/video rental/wine shop in a much, much smaller space than the old IGA occupied. Happily, in Archers Beach, Ahzie’s IGA is doing fine.
Curiosity satisfied, I continued up Heath Street to Portland Avenue, to Walnut Street, took a left on Leavitt Street and walked to the end, to see how far I could walk along the old road to the ustabe Kite Track. Answer — about 500 feet before the trenvay who cares for that land noticed me and obscured the path with bushes and leaves. I can take a hint, so I turned around and headed back the way I’d come. Just before I hit the asphalt of Leavitt Street, an acorn flew out from one of the surrounding trees and struck the path at my feet. I know a gift when I see one, too. I murmured, “thank you,” put the acorn in my pocket and moved on.
Leavitt to Walnut, Walnut to Grande, and so again to New Temp Headquarters, 4,671 steps, or 1.7 miles on the odometer.
I do believe I’ll have that third cup of coffee.
Labor Day or no Labor Day, today is the beginning of Week Four in the Do It Like A Delm Challenge! You can view the challengers — and the winners! — for the previous three weeks here (the drop-down link in the menu is your friend).
Want to join in the fun? Of course you do! Rules to enter the challenge may be found here.

Yeah to my last holiday until November. sigh. Went to Atlanta to the Decatur Book Festival (technically a separate city but on the maps it looks like it is in Atlanta). fun festival even if the main author I was looking for had to cancel. But did get to see David Levithan, who was the other “Teen stage show” author I wanted to see. Also saw Annette Laing at her booth. Otherwise Hiked (literally) all over downtown Decatur. My knees and hips are telling me that– loudly –today. Came back on Sunday to starving cats (did not get FED on Saturday)! Doing laundry today and will have to get dressed and run to grocery shopping in a while. Otherwise no major work planned!
One of the perks of being a government worker is that I have TWO holidays before Thanksgiving (Election Day and Veterans Day) – thanks to the unions we celebrate today. However, this is somewhat offset by my having remoted in to work off-and-on all weekend (because IT is a 24/7 job). But I got to see my mother Saturday and may get to see her again later today, so I’m counting that as a win.
This reminded me of the pods dropped to the Delm, Lizzie and the neighbor! Definitely a gift to treasure, but not, in this instance, to eat.