In which all the cats are sleeping. . .on my desk

So, what a day!

First, the mail:  If there were no checks in today’s mail, there were at least no bills.

Also!  My new pedometer arrived, which it wasn’t supposed to until Friday, and I’m very glad it did because today! was the day that my old pedometer, which had been tottering along for some weeks, showing half-numbers and fuzzy screens, this despite a new battery — died the real death.  The new pedometer is blue (Sprite picked it out), and has a slightly larger screen, while being itself slightly smaller overall than the now-deceased machine.  Set up was extremely easy and there’s a simple lock/unlock switch to get into the battery compartment, instead of a teensy-tiny little set screw, as in the previous model.

Maisie Dobbs was also in today’s mail from my good friends at Yankee Clipper Used Books.  As is often the case with them, the book appears to be brand-new. This is speedy, speedy service, as I only placed my order on Sunday.

Finding ourselves so very fortunate in the mail, I decided to drive in to town to do some errands, while Steve finished up his read of Alliance of Equals, with an eye toward proposing some sell copy.  When I left, he was being ably assisted by Sprite, who aspires to a career of writing promotional copy from home, in order to make millions, though she’s not exactly clear on millions of what.  I’m sure she’ll get it all worked out eventually.

In town, I actually found a pair of (women’s) Columbia sandals to fit me at Super Shoes.  These sandals replace a pair of men’s Columbia sandals from at least a decade ago, which had finally given up their soles.

A swing by KMart for some needed items, and likewise the grocery store, and so to home in plenty of time to join Steve for the midday meal.

After the meal, I did some online shopping — I’ve decided to keep my hair purple/indigo for the next while, so I made an order at Overtone.  And, for those who were following the debate on Facebook, yeah, I bought the quick-drying pants of many pockets.

Not only that, but the Alien Artifacts/Were Kickstarter Joint Campaign is going great guns.  If you missed the announcement yesterday, here’s the link.

And!  Lest I forget — Steve and I will be announcing a little something different later in the week, so I guess that’s a Watch the Skies.

Quite the exciting day, yes, indeed.

And now?  I need to do some work.

Sharon, purple hair, Selah Tea tshirt, Chattacon denim.  A plate of fashion, indeed.  Photo by Steve Miller.
Sharon, purple hair, Selah Tea tshirt, Chattacon denim. A plate of fashion, indeed. Photo by Steve Miller.


4 thoughts on “In which all the cats are sleeping. . .on my desk”

  1. Millions of liver treats of course!
    Pocketsess, we loves them, my preciousss. (Seriously)
    Congratulations on the Good Shopping Karma.
    I DO love your hair.

  2. People who do canine obedience and agility shows keep those many pockets full of liver treats so they can bribe the dog to do their bidding. We keep the treats because the cats have convinced US to do THEIR bidding. It isn’t better either way, it just is.

  3. I can just see Sprite perusing the Internet and tapping a claw on a sharp fang trying to decide between periwinkle and starshine colors for your pedometer. The thought just amuses the heck out of me.

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