Now that there’s new Liaden Universe® gear, not to mention two! new! books! out loose in the world causing who knows what havoc and consternation, Steve and I said, What the heck; let’s have a contest.
We are therefore announcing the DO IT LIKE A DELM contest. Here’s what you have to do to play:
Take a picture (a selfie, or ask a friend to help you out) of yourself, wearing your cool! new! Liaden gear, in. . .a bookstore. . .at WorldCon. . .in a hang-glider. . .at the top of Mount Washington. . .swimming with dolphins. . .at a family picnic — you see where we’re going with this, right? Right.
What’s that you say? You don’t have any cool! new! Liaden gear?
We got you covered.
You may also play by taking a picture of you and one of the two! new! books just out from Baen — those being Dragon in Exile, and Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 3 — in exciting situations similar but certainly not limited to those listed above.
If you are one of the few and the proud who still own your original green-and-gold Plan B tshirt, or the second-run navy-and-white I Dare tshirt — take a picture of yourself wearing this historic gear, and you will have a Bonus Point added to your entry.
Yes, entry!
You didn’t think we just wanted you to take photos to post to your Facebook Wall, did you?
Heck no! After you take that picture, we want you to send it to us! We’ll post it on, and every Sunday, starting August 23, we will choose a winner from all entries.
Cool, huh?
OK, here’s the rules in 1-2-3 format.
1. Take a picture of yourself in your new or historic Liaden gear doing something interesting. ALTERNATIVELY, take a picture of yourself with one of the two new Liaden books doing something really interesting — but not dangerous! No, really. This isn’t worth getting killed.
2. Send that picture to, be sure to include an email address that you check regularly with your entry.
3. Multiple entries are allowed, but! No more than one picture per day may be submitted.
4. All submissions may be posted to a gallery on
5. On Sunday we will choose a winner, and the winning picture will be posted on in Isolated Glory.
6. In addition to Glory, the winner will receive a coupon for one free Baen ebook of their choice.
7. Contest starts Monday August 17 at 1:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, and ends at noon EDT on Saturday, October 3, 2015. Pictures received before Monday August 17 will not be admitted to the contest. The last winner will be posted on on Sunday, October 4.
Want to play, but don’t have a shirt? Order one here: Offworld Designs
Want to play, but don’t have a book? Look to the Uncle. Uncle Hugo, that is.
To get y’all in the mood, here are a couple of sample shots:

While you’re waiting for the photos to come in, here’s one of my friend’s cat, using my copy of “Dragon in Exile” as a pillow.
She captioned it “Strange choice for a pillow, but showing good taste in books!”
I so wish it were possible to get a quality print of that darn painting. It is still my favorite.
Well, I was going to wear my new shirt to MALcon in Denver anyway – now I’ll just have to wear it like a delm! and get pics…