EDITED TO ADD: “Chimera” is now up on Baen.com, starting on the first page and jumping inside, and! the book has been claimed. Thank you all for keeping the Story Watch!
Busy few days, and a busy few more ahead. I shall sum up.
On Wednesday, I did in fact have a doctor’s appointment. It was both irritating and puzzling, but the important thing is that we managed to forge a plan of action that meets the needs of both of us. So, that.
Also on Wednesday, we looked at a house. The house was. . .not as advertised. We were disappointed; our realtor was. . .annoyed.
Also! on Wednesday, someone was scheduled to look at our house at 4:30, so we dutifully left the premises at 4:00, only to receive an email at 4:27 from our realtor, letting us know that the buyers had cancelled. We were in Augusta by that point, so we stayed at the Barnes and Noble for a while, looking at books and wondering when in ghod’s name the Fashion for Dystopia will have run the course.
We had a cup of soup and split a sandwich at the BN Cafe, then headed back to Waterville, because! On Wednesday, we had tickets to the second sold-out showing of The Last Unicorn (which I had never seen), at Railroad Square Cinema, with Peter Beagle himself on-hand to answer questions.
We had fun, the movie was good, and we got home late and over-caffeinated.
Moving on. . .
Thursday was a working day, until the arrival of the mason early in the evening. He slung his ladder up over the eaves, walked across the roof and confirmed, by picking up bricks, and throwing down nuggets of mortar that, yes, indeedy, we do need to replace — that’s replace, not repair — the chimney. As we had summoned him because we’d found bricks in the lawn, this wasn’t exactly a surprise.
Today, is a working morning, then a short trip out to — wait for it! — look at a house — then back for the second shift. My intention is not to budge from this house over the weekend, and finish up the manuscript. We all know what they say about intentions, right?
Also, today! Is the beginning of the period when “Chimera,” a Liaden Universe® short story, may appear on the Baen.com front page. As advertised on Twitter, the first person who alerts me to the presence of “Chimera” on the Baen front page will win! a rare Russian edition of Crystal Dragon, signed by the authors.
And that? Catches us up.
Oh, except for Sprite.
Sprite was helping me edit yesterday’s chapter this morning:

Then, she got curious about the camera:

Today’s blog title brought to you by James McMurtry, “Rachel’s Song.” Here’s your link.
Chimney: Well, SHIT. That’s the last thing you need.
Yay for the Last Unicorn and boo for bad houses. Good luck with the writing.
Sprite: Love the expressions.
Lauretta, flapping her wings to SF for a memorial service.
That pose and the ruff around her face! It looks like Sprite is channeling her inner Garfield.
looks like she is an exactly editor
It’s up.
As noted, thank you. Enjoy!
It’s up on the baen website!
hope you’re a tad more all right than that.
“Chimera” — dang, your writing is worse than potato chips. One bit is never enough! Love how you are “building out” Sure Bleak.
Enjoyed “Chimera” immensely. One question. Although Priscilla might not be a “healer” per se, doesn’t she and her bloodline (the Mendozas of Sintia) have enough of a reputation that the healers in the story would have known that Terrans could possibly be healers?
Thanks again for putting this online and sharing it with us.
I think I’m not going to plea-bargain the story. It either works for you, or it doesn’t in the way of stories.
I’m glad you enjoyed it.