Dragon in Exile for Kindle on sale now

For those who have been waiting for this hour — your waiting has been vindicated.

The kindle edition of Dragon in Exile, the eighteenth novel of the Liaden Universe®, created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is now on sale.  Here’s your link.

Also!  The arrival of the kindle edition means that reviews are open at Amazon.com.  If you read the eArc, or if you are so moved after you read the eBook, please leave a reader review.

Also, also!  You may, of course, buy Dragon in Exile in every ebook format in the Known Universe from Baen ebooks. So even if you don’t have a kindle, you can still buy the ebook today.  Here’s your link.

And!  For those who may have missed it yesterday, “Chimera,” a Liaden Universe® short story, is available to read for free at Baen.com.  Here’s your link.

10 thoughts on “Dragon in Exile for Kindle on sale now”

  1. I bought the ARC and thought I’d wait to reread it when it came out on Audible. I re-read everything else instead 🙂 With the ebook out, I was wondering whether the audio book might come out soon? Do you know? Or I’ll just reread the ARC. Chimera whet my appetite to return to Surebleak last-heard.

  2. Audible edition, narrated by Kevin T. Collins, to be released simultaneously with the hardcover — June 2.

  3. The very first thing I did as soon as it downloaded was swipe to the last chapter to see if “Nelirikk nor’Phelium” was a typo in the EARC or not. (Before I settle in to read for the 4th time.) I am wild to know what precise change in Beautiful’s status this indicates, as I cannot find any definition in past books, and it’s bound to be interesting. Good thing there’s lots to come after this splendid bridge novel. Plenty to excite my imagination and speculation here!

  4. Hip hip hooray! Off to pre-order!

    I enjoyed “Chimera” very much, but I wondered: why were the Liaden Healers so surprised about Darby? Is Priscilla Mendoza not known to them? Or does she not count, because her gifts (while bountiful) do not precisely translate as Healer-skill?

  5. But Priscilla is a Witch and claims that her power derives from her Goddess. The Healers are willing to admit that this might be a special case, since they haven’t come up with a Terran Healer in the wild, so to speak — unattached to a guild or to a religious order.

  6. I went to Amazon. I can only find the hard back pre-oreorder.
    Got Url?

  7. Yeah; it’s in the post above. I believe it’s the very first HERE’S YOUR LINK.

    Also! Just in case this ever befalls you again — you can, at Amazon.com use their handy search box, pull down the menu to KINDLE, type in your title, and hey, presto! the kindle edition appears.

    I do agree that Amazon is behind in linking up the ebook edition with the hardcover, but I’m sure they’ll get around to it in the fullness of time.

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