He’s got a real good job and his shirt and tie look nice

Thanks to everyone who expressed wishes for my full return to health, and to those who wanted to make sure that I know what a “woman’s heart attack” is.  In fact, I had gone to the doctor expecting to hear that I was having a heart attack, but I got lucky.  And!  Over the weekend I got to get in some extra reading.  Twice lucky.

Here at the Confusion Factory, work goes forth at a lesser speed than one would like, but. . .forward is good.  The marked-up pages of the page proofs for Dragon in Exile went into the FedEx box this morning, and should arrive at the publisher’s office tomorrow, so that’s one thing done.  Those who read the eArc will be pleased to know that Mr. Prithee did not escape the copy editor, and I have renewed my Solemn Oath to never again to employ a character whose name includes a final S.

Yeah, right.

We are today in the second day of a windstorm with winds hitting 47 miles per hour in our section of Maine, upwards of 53 miles per hour at my Favorite Weather Station Ever, Matinicus Rock, and plunging our sunny day from an actual temp of 19F (-7C) to a perceived temp of 2F (-17C).  I will just mention that’s 2 above zero, which must also be acknowledged as progress in a forwarder direction.

The wind is supposed to die down on the overnight, say the weatherbeans.  Of course, that was their story last night.  As it happens, I’m in favor of the wind falling, since Steve and I chose tomorrow to try again to reach the southern marches, which we failed to achieve in February due to minus 26F (-32C).  Tomorrow, we’re looking for 31F (-0C) and sunny, so the journey ought to be perfectly doable.

What’re y’all doing tomorrow that’s going to be fun?


Today’s blog title is brought to you by Nick Lowe, “I knew the bride when she used to rock ‘n roll”.  Here’s your link.

6 thoughts on “He’s got a real good job and his shirt and tie look nice”

  1. Lessee, Thursday. The morning is occupied with the house cleaners who do the heavy work. The afternoon is dedicated to waiting for the Sears repair person to arrive and do an annual checkup on our fridge/freezer, which is making ominous motor noises. “Between 1 & 5,” the scheduler asked? “Oh sure,” I said resignedly.

  2. Glad you are on the mend. Tomorrow I head for OC hon with 3 friends for the weekend.

  3. Glad to hear our worries (on that head) were unnecessary. And delighted to hear that progress progresses! Enjoy your trip.

  4. Yay for recovery and temps above zero!

    Tomorrow I hope to *finish* this release’s regression test. It’s been at least a couple of weeks and very very slow going. They upgraded the software it’s built on, and fortunately did not include a lot of extra changes. Hells bells, the stuff the upgrade broke was bad enough. I will be glad to see it gone so I can move to testing the NEXT release, which has the dubious virtue of having different(!) problems. I also hope to have dinner with an old friend before we get up to 2 inches of snow on Friday. (Spring, what spring?)

  5. Lauretta, spring would be out here on the West Coast! I know it is planting weather when my peonies poke up above the dirt–and the senior peony has grown at least a foot in under a week! (reminder to self, fertilize the peonies!)

    The rest of the week contains the family shepherding my mother to doctor’s appointments as we follow up on her unexpected seizure Tuesday morning. The initial exams ruled out heart attack (a concern because of her back pain!), stroke, tumors etc. She’s home, on medication, and because she cannot be left alone, or allowed to drive, the whole world is reordering social calendars.

    Our cats are attempting to be gracious with sharing their staff–recognizing that older, catless humans require closer supervision from other humans. Additional, temporary staff is on-call for my resident cat should I not be able to make dinner time. (My sister’s cat is allowed outdoors and will either inquire at the neighbors, or do what cats do when staff is unavailable)

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