So, things have been rockin’ and rollin’ here at the Confusion Factory. Yesterday, we took time out from holiday prep (insert laugh track) to take Steve to the weekend clinic at Inland Hospital, where he achieved the diagnosis of bronchial pneumonia, orders to Take It Easy, and a prescription for antibiotics. It was a little bit of a zoo getting the prescription filled, what with the lines of communication at our favored pharmacy having gone down for more than an hour, and eventually necessitated a second trip into town, but all was at last accomplished, at last, by Steve — who won the second trip into town by the simple tactic of being awake when it came time to go. He brought home a late lunch of nutritious Kentucky Fried Chicken (original), mashed potatoes, and gravy. Easily, the best meal either of us has eaten in a month. It’s true what they say about hot grease, and salt.
The rest of the evening was filled out by Steve napping in Princess Jasmine Sprite’s blue throne, with the Princess herself holding him down, and Sharon alternately reading and napping on the couch.
Finally, we rose and sought our bed, and that, as they say, was that.
Today, we expect more of the same sort of excitement. I’m concentrating on a Miraculous Cure on my own behalf, because if I don’t get one today, it will be my turn with the doctor tomorrow.
So, that.
In other news, I have succeeded in offending someone with “The night don’t seem so lonely,” so, if you haven’t read it, this may be the moment.
Also! If you’ve read Carousel Seas, as some of you have, please consider leaving a reader review on, Amazon, Goodreads, Baen, or other sites that you may frequent. Early reviews help readers who may be on the fence about buying the paper copy. Also, early reviews help the author, by demonstrating that people not only anticipated, but immediately put the book at the top of their TBR pile.
Thank you.
. . .and I think that’s all I got.
A blessed solstice to those who celebrate, and — everybody stay healthy, right?
Today’s blog post is brought to you by the Shakers, Simple Gifts.
Be well, you two. I enjoy reading your blog and really love your books. I have come to reading your fantastic stories this year and am wading through from the beginning.
Happy Winter’s Dawn to you both
For the life of me, Sharon, I cannot figure out what would have offended anyone in “The Night Don’t Seem So Lonely.” It is a terrific story, and I plan on nominating it for both a Nebula and a Hugo. (Now, I understand that there is, as our Japanese friends say, fatu-chance-u but hey, I think it is that good.)
And a Blessed Solstice and Happy Yule to you and Steve and the cat children.
How could anyone be offended by “The Night”?
Rest easy. More soup.
Just ignore the self righteous, they are over whelmed with their own self importance.
Story’s perfect. Whiner’s aren’t; just think they are.
Rest easy, both of you & take care. As “the night…” suggests, let your land heal you….
Rest and get well. I am very much looking forward to Carousel Seas. And I cannot for the life of me figure out what someone would find offensive about “The Night.” It has some tough spots, but that burnishes the hope and joy even brighter.