Except for the part where I burned my tongue because I was Far Too Eager for my first shot of caffeine. Hey! An excuse to eat ice cream!
I did the annual appointment thing at the women’s health care, which has changed its name and moved since last year. The young lady at the reception desk couldn’t tell me why Suite 204 was on the first floor, across from Room 104, but otherwise questions were asked, answers were answered, and examination was performed — and yet another of those clean bills of health was handed out. Yay, clean bill!
After the appointment, I went to gym, and so to home, to find that a! box! had arrived during my absence, which Steve had resisted opening until I was back so we could open it together.
Here’s what was in the box:

Photo by Steve Miller
Amazon seems to think this is a November 26 release; the copyright page in the book owns up to a December publication, so! Soon! this will be in a store near you.
Shortly after I got home, the mail arrived, including! my fleece robe. Of course, you realize what this means?
Exactly. Steve can now have his fleece robe back — and not a moment too soon. It’s starting to get seriously nippy on the overnights.
There’s some stuff I need to do today, but there are no Super Crush Deadlines on deck. Which is a good thing. I do — really — have to go through the basket on my desk that the cats allow me to put my things in, and sort out what’s in there, on the low-but-not-impossible-chance that there’s something I need to take care of hidden among the catalogs.
One of the things I will do is finish Good Omens, since I failed to do so last night. In fact, I may go see if there’s any coffee left in the pot, and do that now.
What’re you doing today that’s fun?
cleaning out my garage to make way for a new freezer
2 loads of laundry and seeing if I can get a wheelchair repaired
Client meeting to finalize writing project, lunch with friend and collaborator, help the construction guys next door get their leavings out of my yard, help Joy Ward videotape an interview with a guy who escaped from East Germany and went on to found a very innovative automation products company. And then to bed because I leave at 6 am for Boston for another client meeting. Who knows? I may actually have income this month after all!
M O W I N G …
and clearing out and cleaning some space on the front porch…
and supervising the guys here from Waste Management, fixing the holes their dumpster made in my newish driveway when they were here in August, to remove the old roof and install a new one.
Teh fun here; it never stops, no suh
Getting a pedicure. Ahhhh