This is what happens after writers turn in their book and before their brains grow back.
Cat spam!
A kind friend sent me a Quillow for a birthday present. If you, like me, were heretofore ignorant of Quillows, they’re quilts with an integral pocket that you can fold the quilt up into, creating — a pillow! Mine was on the couch yesterday when I retired there from dozing on the porch. I started in to reading, but got cold. The Quillow was right there, so I unfolded it and snuggled in.
When Steve called me for dinner, I left the quilt where it was, because Sprite had joined me and was still dozing. And I forgot to put it away before I went to bed. No worries, though; it’s still getting plenty of use:

Meantime, Mozart was enjoying his fleece-y blanket on top of the file cabinet in my room, with plenty of reading matter to paw.

I love seeing the coon cats. I especially love seeing those two all sleepy eyed and snuggled up.
I hope you and Motzart enjoy “Dancer of the Sixth”. I did.