In which there are announcements among the raindrops

I am remiss in announcing that Chaz Brenchley’s guest story, “2 Pi to Live” is now available for your reading pleasure on Splinter Universe.  Here’s your link.  Remember that the donation button at the bottom of the story goes direct to the author, if you wish to show your appreciation for their work.

Also, the three newest Liaden stories on Splinter Universe will be coming down sooner rather than later, as they will be among the sweet fruits collected in A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 3See this, in case you missed that.  So!  Read ’em while they’re free.

Regarding Splinter Universe in general, and those stories in particular, I want to thank everyone for their generosity.  Very much appreciated.

In other news, it’s raining (boo!  hiss!), so we have canceled the trip to Portland to tour the ferry, window-shop and generally goof off, and you know what that means, right?

Right.  It means today is a working day.

Also?  There was a Cooper’s Hawk perched in the ravaged pine tree nearest the deck yesterday afternoon (and me without a camera!), obviously shopping the bird feeder for lunch.  He flew off when he encountered my ill-bred stare, but I fear he will be back.   Sigh.  It’s a jungle out there.

So, what’re you doing today that’s fun?

2 thoughts on “In which there are announcements among the raindrops”

  1. After work I’m going to the nursery to pick up plants for a salsa garden and some flowers. After mom goes to sleep I’ll sneak them out of the car and plant them so that when she come out to get the paper she will see her Mother’s Day surprise.

  2. I spent the day at the New York Botanic Garden’s Mother’Day Party. There was Kite Flying, card making, giant chalk drawings, photo ops in the Azelia Garden, food vendor carts, and a 1920’s Orchestra ( Micheal Arenella and his Dreamland Orchestra). Great fun!
    Thank you Frank!

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