Here at the Cat Farm, it has been a Week of Parts.
We had the exploding computer part, and the going to the dentist part, and the Steve’s eye exam has been rescheduled for the third time since January part, and the delivery of various boxes of used books from geographically distant parts of the country part, and the arrival this morning of a bitchy headache, of which I Do Not Approve, and the arrival of the Win7 machine, of which I Do Approve, at least in theory, since I’m not going to undertake to transfer programs and files from one computer to another computer while I have a headache.
Into this week of Parts have come emails — two, one from Kimpton Hotels, and one from Starwood — tempting me to take a winter break. Surprisingly, I find myself most tempted by Kimpton, which offers me a quirky Kimpton-y room in a hotel built inside of an historic building in downtown Philly, walking distance to museums and The Shopping. It’s been a long, long time since I just hung out at a museum for a day, never mind a couple of museums over three days. It would, my brain says, Be Nice.
Mind you, it’s still winter in Philadelphia, too — in fact, at last report, Philadelphia was having more winter than we here in Central Maine are currently enjoying — and I’m not a fan of walking in the slush and the wind be it city or country — but the idea of a little museum-touring mini-vacation is. . .awfully attractive.
So, if you could drop everything and take a winter break — where would you go, and what would you do?
Come on down to Philly! It’s supposed to warm up this weekend and start being nicer out!
A Win7 machine! I approve too! (Win8 is teh debil, I tell you, TEH DEBIL.)
I wish you a Happy Winter Break, should you choose to take one.
Myself, I’d head out to Arizona to visit my mum, or to Hawaii, to try and catch a glimpse of the ravishing Alex O’Loughlin of Hawaii Five O fame, preferably without his shirt on.
Someplace warmer. Maybe New Mexico. I don’t like Florida.
Oh – we were talking about Savannah the other day; maybe there.
Lots of history and parks and good food.
I would head to St. Thomas V.I. for some beach time, some water time and lots of shopping.
Tofino, BC. It’s whale watching season and I would walk on the beach and watch the whales go by. (I suffer dreadfully from seasickness, so watching from the beach is my only option. In Depoe Bay, OR I have to use a telescope. In Tofino, I can see them with my own two eyes — and my glasses, of course.)
St George, Utah and Zion National Park. A good friend lives there and it would be so good to see her again!
If I could go anywhere this month, it would be Paris, but then it’s always Paris…