For Hugo consideration

It’s silly season in the SF/F world; the season when All the Writers remind All the Readers, and especially those who vote on the Hugo Awards, which of their works are eligible for Hugo consideration.

The 2014 Hugo Awards, for works published in 2013, will be presented at the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention, LonCon 3, to be held in London, England, August 14-18, 2014

If you’re not sure if you’re eligible to nominate and/or vote in the 2014 Hugo Awards, here’s the link to the rules.

If you are eligible to nominate, I will now mention that Sharon Lee and Steve Miller published several works in 2013, which are eligible for consideration.  They are:

Necessity’s Child, Baen, February 2013
Trade Secret, Baen, November 2013

“Eleutherios,”, January 2013
“Moon’s Honor,” Splinter Universe, February 2013

Short Story:
Out of True,”, October 2013

When nominating, please keep our work in mind.

Thank you for listening.


One thought on “For Hugo consideration”

  1. That is an impressive amount of work completed and published in a single year! I’m looking forward to seeing more in 2014. 🙂

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