Signed copies of Trade Secret, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, the sequel to 2004’s smash Liaden hit, Balance of Trade are now available for pre-order from Uncle Hugo’s.
Here’s the synopsis:
Jethri Gobelyn is unique; he’s a Terran adopted into a Liaden trading clan. Under the tutelage of Master Trader ven’Deelin, he has achieved his license to trade in Liaden space. Not all Liadens are thrilled by this, or convinced by Master ven’Deelin’s insistence that Liadens and Terrans must learn to trade together.
But, Jethri isn’t only unique because of his adoption and penchant for trade; he’s also the son of a far-seeing Terran trader, now deceased, the author of a secret Envidaria — a plan that could change the face of galactic trade, forever. Ruthless people are willing to kill to obtain the Envidaria, in order to suppress it, or to use it for their own profit.
And it’s up to Jethri Gobelyn, a man who is both Liaden and Terran, to protect the Envidaria, and to decide how — or if — to use the information it contains.

Art by Sam Kennedy
Sadly, I will probably have to settle for an e-book version with no gorgeous cover or autographs.
Having it is the important part, though.