1. Carousel Sun, the sequel to Carousel Tides, is now available for pre-order from the bookstore of your choice (NOTE: This refers to the trade paper edition, only– which is to say: you may not pre-order the ebook).
2. Madame the Editor has stated that there will be an eArc edition of Sun. No, I don’t know when, but figure four to six months out from the publication date in early February.
3. I am behind in mentioning that Heart of Briar, the first book in Laura Anne Gilman’s Portals duology, is now on the shelves of bookstores everywhere! I read portions of this novel as it was being written and enjoyed the heck out of it. I think you will, too, but judge for yourself! There’s an excerpt here. Laura Anne will also be doing signings and readings — and she Might Just Be! in your area. Here’s the full list of where-and-when.
4. The new memorial bridge spanning the Piscataqua River to connect Kittery, Maine with Portsmouth, New Hampshire is now open — and here are the pictures to prove it!
5. I’ve been there and over there, too, but not so much here, lately. I intend to do an overview post to catch y’all up — but not this afternoon. This afternoon, I am calling the hospital billing office, coping with the Gigormous Pile of Dirty Dishes which has taken over the kitchen sink, and seeing if I can get a short story out of Andy LaPierre. No. No, the glamor never does diminish around these parts.