So the turkey bones are busy making stock, and the laundry has been started. Still on the to-do list, dishes! the reading of the manuscript! writing! more laundry!
Yeah, it’s a thrill a minute here at the Confusion Factory.
For you, though, there is excitement! and adventure! in the air! There’s an ARC of Necessity’s Child, the newest Liaden Universe® novel (how new? you ask. So new that it won’t be published until February. That’s like, pre-new!) up for grabs, straight from the authors. Hurry and enter, because the contest closes Wednesday at noon, Eastern Standard Time, U.S.
Edited to add: I should note that, since this is a standalone novel within the universe, this would make a great holiday present to That Certain Someone who you’ve been trying to hook on the Liaden books, but who just can’t commit to reading 15 novels.