Upcoming Travel
Hey, we’re going places!
Realsoonnow, for instance, we’ll be in Kansas City for ConQuesT, along with fellow GoHs Ursula Vernon, Gardner Dozois, Tim Miller, and Toastmistress Susan Satterfield. Read all about it here, and hope to see you there Memorial Day Weekend.
On June 14, we’ll be in Blue Hill for an interview on the WERU Writers Forum, with Ellie O’Leary, but you’ll be able to listen in on that from the comfort of your very own computer
Then. . .we’ll be home, writing, like good writers, and possibly watching with interest and, on my part, at least, chortling glee as our bathroom is destroyed and resurrected.
Due to the grid-lock of a number of factors — see “bathroom,” above — we won’t be attending the Chicago WorldCon — y’all have a really good time; we’ll miss you!
The next convention we’ll likely attend is Boskone, in February 2013, though Steve might be off somewhere in September — watch this space for details.
If you’d like a signed copy of the hardcover of Dragon Ship, which will be published in September, Uncle Hugo’s has been promised another 100 copies — so you don’t need to be shy about ordering here.
In case you missed it, there’s a very nice interview with us here
The Eternal To-Do List
(numbered for ease of viewing, not necessarily in order of urgency)
1. Sort through email and Deal with various bidness and webmistressly issues addressed therein
2. Finish transferring music onto various devices
3. Read, read, read
4. Schedule follow-up vet visit and rabies shot for Socks
5. Buy tire(s) for Binjali; re-inspect
6. Carousel Tides t-shirt
7. Turn in novel proposals (3) to Madame the Editor
8. ConQuesT — May 25-27
9. Record word lists first two books (at this point, we’re guessing the “first two books” are Agent of Change and Fledgling) — June 10 (approx)
10. Interview at WERU Writers Forum with Joan Clemens & Ellie O’Leary, June 14, 10 a.m.
11. June 15 — quarterly taxes due
12. July — Excise tax due — both vehicles
13. Turn in short story to Baen — July 1
14. Turn in Trade Secret — July 15
15. Prep and write Carousel Sun, and Carousel Seas, due early and mid 2013
16. Get Liaden Weird Word lists onto web
17. Stage Two feasibility study: bathroom remodel
18. September 4 – October 4 Lee on-site at Archers Beach
19. Ongoing — locate new site for Cat Farm and Confusion Factory.
20. Finalize 2013 travel, if any
Things to be done in-between the things to be done:
1. Autograph 1,000 pages
2. Proofread galleys: Ghost Ship mmp, Dragon Ship hardcover
3. Write new stories for Splinter Universe