So! Exciting doin’s here at the Confusion Factory.
Yesterday, my Galaxy 7″ Tab arrived. After letting it warm up, and charging it, I turned it on and was immediately freaked out to find that! it had found the photo that I use as background on my phone and imported it for its own use. These things are getting ‘way too smart. While it was rustling around inside the phone’s brain, it also imported all of my Usual Apps, while finding the Cat Farm’s wireless network, and updating its own firmware. I still haven’t figured out how to move my elibrary over to it (part of the point of this was to be able read ebooks on it); that’ll be for today, in-between sessions with Necessity’s Child. Also definitely need to get a screen protector, else I won’t be able to see the beautiful screen through the forest of my fingerprints. Not to mention Mozart’s nose prints. He? Is convinced the new! shiny! belongs to him.
Attention Boskone Attendees!
We have received our preliminary schedules, and unless timing changes radically, we will be hosting a Friends of Liad breakfast on Saturday morning at 8 a.m. (yes, yes; but I have a reading scheduled for 10 a.m.) at Saucity, which is in the hotel. We’re assuming that they will still be offering the Saturday morning buffet breakfast with your choice of made-on-the-spot omelets. We hope to see lots of early risers. Do remember, the FoL breakfast is an informal gathering of friends; we are each responsible for paying our own check.
We are also at the moment scheduled for a Literary Beer (or, in my case, wine) on Saturday at 4 p.m. Sign-up at the con.
Also on Saturday (unless things change), we’ll be talking Liaden Universe® and Matters Astronomical with Brother Guy Consolmagno at 1 p.m.
We will of course post our final schedule when that arrives.
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In other news, Netflix has sent along Source Code for our viewing pleasure, since Puss ‘n Boots isn’t available yet. What other recent movies did I miss that I really ought to catch up on? Remember that my tastes run to such things as: UP, Adventures in Babysitting, Second Hand Lions, Earth Girls Are Easy, Cowboys and Aliens, Pride and Prejudice, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Thin Man, and similar uplifting cinematic experiences.