In support of breast cancer screening

As many of you read, the Susan G. Komen group has withdrawn financial support from Planned Parenthood.  The support was for the purpose of providing breast cancer screenings for poor women, and for various educational programs.

There’s an argument about why this has happened.  Planned Parenthood says that the Komen fund has knuckled under to political pressure.  The Komen folks say they have a policy! not to fund any organization under Congressional investigation.

This is not about that argument.

The point here for Steve and me is that this move means that breast cancer screenings have suddenly been made unavailable to a large number of women, when early detection is key, and through no fault of their own.

So, here’s what we’re doing.  For the month of February, all income received from The Cat’s Job ebook will be donated to Planned Parented, in Hexapuma’s name, specifically for the breast cancer screening program.

Here’s your links:

The Cat’s Job on Smashwords
The Cat’s Job on Nook
The Cat’s Job on Kindle

To Donate Directly to Planned Parenthood, right now, no gimmicks, go here

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