When last we saw our intrepid heroine…

. . .she had sprained her ankle.

Since that time, she’s been spending a lot of time on the couch, with Mozart on duty as nurse/therapy cat. I’ve been writing, in-between naps, and Steve’s been writing, too. We’re on schedule to hand in Dragon Ship on January 16, and may even have time to pack before we leave for Chattacon.

(Apologies to those who have read much of this before; this is in the way of a catch-up post for those who read at sharonleewriter.com.)

So, the jury’s still out on whether I’ll be wheeling it at Chattacon, or be Mostly Mobile™. The doctor’s appointment on Thursday may clear some of this up. In the meantime, yes! we will be at Chattacon, and looking forward to seeing fellow guests Laura Anne Gilman, Rachel Caine, John Picacio, Toastmaster Mark van Name, and YOU! So, do come; it’s going to be a blast.

* * *

In other news, here is the Lee-Miller schedule for the first half of 2012, as currently understood:

January 16 — Dragon Ship (due November 15) turn in
January 17 — leave for ChattaCon
February 15 — tax stuff due to accountant
February 17 — leave for Boskone
March 9 — talk at Limestone Magnet School
March 15 — Necessity’s Child (due January 15) turn in
March 20? — turn in short story for Baen website
April 5 — talk at Rockland Public Library
May 15 — Trade Secret (due March 15) turn in
May 22-ish — leave for ConQuesT

. . .we’ve just been asked by a colleague to participate in a project; not sure of the deadline for that, yet. Plus, we intend more stories for Splinter Universe, and we’re still kicking around the idea of a Kickstarter Project — obviously, that’ll be something for the second half of the year.

* * *

And now?

You’re all caught up.

And I’m going back to work.

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