Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 91
From now through midnight on October 31, 2011, Lee and Miller echapbook Calamity’s Child will be on sale for $0.99 — two bucks off the regular price! Calamity’s Child includes two short stories — Liaden Universe® story “Sweet Waters,” about a scout survey pilot crash-landed on a primitive planet; and “A Night at the Opera” a Nick-and-Nora steampunk mystery.
The sale price of $0.99 is good through the month of October at the following vendors: Smashwords; Barnes and Noble; and No coupon code required!
Remember! A list of all Lee-and-Miller electronic chapbooks, with links to the various vendors! can be found at Pinbeam Books.
The 2012 Jim Baen Annual Writing Contest Now Accepting Submissions!
First prize includes professional publication on the Baen website, for which the author will be paid pro rates. Judges are: Baen editors Hank Davis and Jim Minz, and authors Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Full details here
Splinter Universe
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller’s Splinter Universe is up, running and off to an exciting start. Presently available for free reading are Liaden Universe® stories “Kin Ties,” and “Guaranteed Delivery,” as well as Ghost Ship outtake “Daav wakes up early,” and the first 20,000 words of a novel that was never completed, The Cards of Fortunate Destiny.
Splinter Universe is a new short story feature site from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Stories will be posted on an irregular basis, along with teases, character sketches, and perhaps the occasional cartoon. Some, even most, of the stories will be based in Sharon and Steve’s Liaden Universe®. However, the authors reserve the right to post stories set elsewhere, and to introduce new characters and situations.
Every story and splinter may be read for free from the time it is posted until the time it ages off the website, but donations are encouraged.
SRM Publisher Closing
SRM Publisher came into being sort-of accidentally, in 1995, with the publication of Two Tales of Korval, Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number One. This 64-page saddle-stitched chapbook, with cover art by Jean Ann Pollard, included two stories — “To Cut an Edge,” and “A Day at the Races” — each of which had previously been sold to magazines that then folded before the stories saw print.
Steve produced TTOK in order to satisfy fan demand for “more Liaden stories” during the Great Dry Spell — after the novels had been dropped by Del Rey and before Meisha Merlin picked up the backlist and subsequent new novels in the series.
This past February, SRM published Skyblaze, the seventeenth Adventure in the Liaden Universe®.
In addition to publishing what became known as The Yule Chapbook for Liaden Universe® readers and fans, SRM published and promoted SF and fantasy chapbooks by writers such as Thomas A. Easton, Ru Emerson, James A. Hetley, Lawrence M. Schoen, Mark W. Tiedemann and non-fiction by David Harris and Bud Webster.
It is with a great deal of regret that we have taken the decision to close SRM Publisher. The retail webpage is no longer accepting orders, and we are working to liquidate the remaining stock with an eye to having the business closed by the end of this year.
We want to thank everyone for their support of and interest in SRM Publisher’s doings over the last sixteen years.
–Steve Miller and Sharon Lee
Where in the world are Lee and Miller?
Steve and Sharon are just back from the Reno Worldcon, where a Blast Was Officially Had, and The Great New England Steampunk Exhibition. A lot of people made a point to say Hi and let us know that they’re Liaden Universe® fans. We really appreciate it!
Our next outing is January 20-22, when we’ll be Guests of Honor, with Laura Anne Gilman, Rachel Caine, and Joe Picacio at Chattacon 36. Toastmaster is Mark van Name. Come help us celebrate Theo’s birthday!
Publication Schedule
Mouse and Dragon, mass market paperback, Baen, October 29
Carousel Tides, mass market paperback, Baen, January 31, 2012
Support your local bookstore
Uncle Hugo’s:
University Bookstore:
Pandemonium Books:
Missing Volume:
Flights of Fantasy:
Mysterious Galaxy:
Constellation Books:
Children’s Book Cellar:
All of the above folks do mail order and take want lists.
Blogs and Other Webly Things of Note
Theo_Waitley is the discussion group for readers of Fledgling and Saltation:
Where Dragons Rest:
Steve Miller’s blog, Journeyman:
Sharon Lee’s blog, Eagles over the Kennebec:
SRM Publisher blog:
Sharon Lee’s “Professional” blog:
Splinter Universe Discussion List:
Facebook Connections — please feel free to add us! — Steve Miller — Sharon Lee
Liaden Interest Groups on Facebook
Clan Korval:
Friends of Liad:
Flaran chamenthi:
Sharon’s Author Page:
Steve’s on Twitter:
Sharon’s on Twitter, too:
This InfoDump is a product of the Liaden Universe®, accept no imitations. You have received this message because you asked for it. If you wish to subscribe to the Liaden Universe® email list, go:
I just had a panic attack after reading the announcement that SRM Publisher is closing! Please, please say there will still be a way to purchase the Skyblaze chap book (I really meant to do it sooner, but life got in the way).
Also, does this mean no more yule chap books? I know I’m whining – sorry, can’t help it.
I believe that Mr. Blyly at Uncle Hugo’s (see the Big List of Bookstores at the bottom of the InfoDump) and Ms. LeBlanc at The Missing Volume both have Sklyblaze in stock; both do mailorder.
And yes, this means that there will be no more Yule chapbooks.
There may be other things — like Splinter Universe — and we may be able to work out a way for folks to get paper copies of those stories. But, the world has changed. The world does that.