News Roundup

Thanks to everyone who chimed in with Droid apps and ideas!  I think I’m pretty well set for connectivity and entertainment on the Great Train Ride West.

The NPR Too-100 Science Fiction, Fantasy Poll is still on-going. Go on over and vote! for your Ten Most Favorite SF/F books/series, ever. Yes, The Liaden Universe® is a contender.

At Eagles Over the Kennebec there’s a poll and essay test ongoing.  The poll is open to “everyone,” but apparently LiveJournal means something different when it says “everyone” than I do.  In any case, if you can’t see the radio buttons, do feel free to leave a comment about your favorite title and why it’s your favorite.

WorldCon prep is starting to heat up.  I need another week, but I ain’t gonna get it.  Before we leave, I need to:

1.  Pick up Hex’s ashes in Lewiston
1a. Prepare Cat Garden to receive same
2. Finish proofing the galleys for Mouse and Dragon
3. Finish critiquing the submissions for our section of the WorldCon Writing Workshop
4. Do prep for the panel I’m moderating
5. Get a haircut
6. Make sure The Leewit has the latest edition of George on her SDcard, and the notes for “Guaranteed Delivery”
7. Write an essay — or is Steve writing the essay? Must check
8. Complete various travel-related errands at Staples, the bank, Sign of the Sun, Hannaford, CVS and other fine merchants
9. Have and recover from pre-departure panic attack
10. Pack
10a. Find all pertinent wires
11. Upload “Kin Ties” to Splinter Universe
12. Make sure the vet has cat sitter’s name on file as holding Mozart and Scrabble’s power of attorney while we’re gone
13. Turn over keys, house, and felines to same cat sitter


So! Who’s going to WorldCon?

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