Wednesday afternoon, after work, Steve and I drove down to Old Orchard Beach to talk to Jeanne, owner-operator of Beggar’s Ride art gallery (which is just full of interesting and beautiful art; if you’re anywhere near OOB, it’s worth your while to make a detour and visit).
Short form: Jeanne is almost as excited as I am about the idea of launching Carousel Tides at Old Orchard Beach; she and I agree that Beggar’s Ride is the perfect venue for a launch party; lists have been made and contacts are being pursued.
Target launch party date: Saturday, October 30, Halloween Eve, which used to be dignified as Mischief Night in my hometown. I think the trenvay of Archers Beach would approve.
There are still pieces to pull together, and no idea how big this will be. At the very least, we’ll have wine and cheese and friends celebrating the fruition of a project that’s been close to my heart for many years. At the very most, we’ll have dancing in the streets, and free rides on the batwing horse.
Mark your calendars: Saturday, October 30, Beggars Ride Gallery, 39 Old Orchard Street, Old Orchard Beach, Maine. Time to be determined. Watch this space for details.