Calling the Mighty Tyop Hunters!


If you have found TYPOS* in the eARC of Accepting the Lance, you may send them to me at rolanniATkorvalDOTcom. However, you may only do so until 9 PM EASTERN, Monday, September 9.

The format for sending typos is to send a few identifying words around the typo so it can be found (my pagination is not your Kindle’s pagination; this is a True Fact, so page numbers are useless).

This is correct format for reporting a typo: “Very nearly as bad! Perhaps I ought not to remark at all, but merely flout my skill in becoming silence.” QUERY: Should “flout” be “flaunt”?

*WHAT TYPOS ARE: Spelling errors. Wrong words. Missing words. Wrong character name and/or misspelled character name.

WHAT TYPOS ARE NOT: Grammar “errors” ESPECIALLY in dialogue. Sentences you don’t like. We’re not writing at this point; we’re seeking to make the existing narrative as clean as possible.

Everybody psyched?


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