Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 123: The Lance Edition

Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 123: The Lance Edition

For those who indulge, the eARC of ACCEPTING THE LANCE, the the 22nd Liaden Universe® novel, created and co-written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is now available from  eARCs are electronic Advance Reading Copies; they will contain errors of formatting, grammar, and perhaps even spelling.  However!  There will be no major changes to the story between it and the final book, which will be available in All Its Perfection on December 3.

Here is your link to the eARC edition of ACCEPTING THE LANCE:

A SPOILER DISCUSSION PAGE has been opened at for those who have read . . .LANCE and want to talk about it.  Please be kind to the people who will not read the story until December — or later! — and limit spoilers to this area.

Here is your link to the SPOILER DISCUSSION:

Not sure you want to invest in ACCEPTING THE LANCE?  Here’s your link to the first 25 sample chapters:

Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore in Minneapolis will once again kindly be taking preorders for signed and/or personalized copies of ACCEPTING THE LANCE.  Here is what they have to say:People have been asking all year when they will be able to order signed copies of the next Liaden novel by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Accepting the Lance ($25.00, expected early December), and you can get your copy personalized if you order by November 10.  We’ve just arranged to also have signed copies of two Liaden novelettes in trade paperback, Adventures in the Liaden Universe #28: Fortune’s Favor ($8.00, expected by mid-September) and Adventures in the Liaden Universe #29: Shout of Honor ($10.00, expected by mid-September).  These will be signed but not personalized.  If you wish to order all 3 Liaden books, we can either send the trade paperbacks right away (with a $6.00 shipping charge) and the hardcover in December (with another $6.00 shipping charge), or we can hold them all until December (and only have a single $6.00 shipping charge).  If you are ordering all 3 Liaden books, please let us know in the Order Comments section during checkout if you want one shipment or two shipments.  The Order Comments section is also where you should put your personalization request for Accepting the Lance.

Here is your link to the preorder page at Uncle Hugo’s:

Here is the link to the Uncle’s newsletter, which lists events and lots of other opportunities to acquire signed books from your favorite authors:

For those joining us for the first time:  Signed means that the authors will write their names in your book.  Personalized means that the authors will transcribe a short message supplied by you in your book, and also sign it.

Notes about personalized books:  The authors reserve the right to reject any personalization request for any reason.  This is solely up to the authors; there is no appeal.  Pro Tip:  The best way to make sure your personalization request is honored is to keep it short, keep it clean, and keep it polite.  Thank you.

ACCEPTING THE LANCE will be published in hardcover and ebook editions on December 3.  There will be an audiobook edition, narrated by Eileen Stevens.  You may pre-order the hardcover edition from the bookseller of your choice.  Because of Baen’s tradition of selling eARCs prior to the publication date, you may not preorder the final ebook edition.

A short story in support of . . .Lance will be published to in mid-November, tentative title is:  “A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom.”

Advance praise for Lee and Miller’s Accepting the Lance:
ACCEPTING THE LANCE is a tour de force! So many threads woven, so many pieces moved on the board, old and new friends met, this book is an extraordinary installment in a brilliant series. I stayed up till 3 a.m. reading it and I have zero regrets. An incredible ride of a book!
Nalini Singh, Wolf Rain ~ Out Now/Archangel’s War ~ September/A Madness of Sunshine ~ December

TRADER’S LEAP the twenty-third novel in the long-running and much-feted Liaden Universe® created and co-written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, will be TURNED IN on September 30, 2019.  At this point, it is tentatively scheduled for publication in late 2020.

. . .LEAP is the direct sequel to 2016’s ALLIANCE OF EQUALS, and happens concurrently with the action in ACCEPTING THE LANCE.

Upcoming Conventions
Steve and Sharon have had a rough couple years In Real Life, and are mostly sticking close to home this year.  We are open to invitations from conventions for 2020, and beyond.

Remember to Visit These Sites:
Lee and Miller Patreon Support Page:

Pinbeam Books: an online catalog, with vendor links, to all Lee-and-Miller, Miller, and Lee self-published works

Splinter Universe: features outtakes, splinters, oddities from the Lee&Miller writing career, currently changes irregularly.

Welcome to Liad — The official homepage for Liaden Universe® news —

Offworld Designs: Liaden gear:

Blogs and Other Webly Things of Note
Sharon Lee’s blog, Eagles over the Kennebec:
Sharon Lee’s “Professional” blog:
Steve Miller’s blog, Journeyman:

Facebook Connections — Steve Miller — Sharon Lee
Clan Korval:
Friends of Liad:
Flaran chamenthi:

Steve’s on Twitter:
Sharon’s on Twitter, too:

Disclaimer Stuff
This InfoDump is a product of the Liaden Universe®, accept no imitations. You have received this message because you asked for it. If you wish to subscribe to the Liaden Universe® email list, to unsubscribe from the Liaden Universe® email list, or to change your delivery email address, go here:

4 thoughts on “Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 123: The Lance Edition”

  1. Glad to see all the activity!

    Wondering if Uncle Hugo might have been the inspiration for “The Uncle”???

    or if it’s a secret, that’s fine too.

  2. fred, thanks for asking: I had the same thought! And Sharon, thanks for answering and putting our curiosity at rest . . . on this point anyway!

  3. So, having purchased Accepting…eARC, I’ve read Neo again which BTW put me in my Liaden happy place, & I’m wandering my way thru Accepting… So far so good good good!

    I’ve marked September 30, 2019, in my calendar to start binge-watching for its eARC. Tapping my toe, *silently* thinking “get t’ writin'” so as not to jinx anything, hoping the cats stay off the keyboards & the vortexes (vortices?) of Sedona stay quiet.

    Gee whiz, ya’d think I had nothing better to do! Time to roll the dumpsters back from the curb & ride my bike in the Bosque.

    Cheers All!

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