This just in: Eye Candy

David Mattingly has kindly sent us the finished art for the cover of The Gathering Edge, coming to a bookstore near you in May 2017.

Yes, this does depict a scene from the novel.

Art for The Gathering Edge cover by David Mattingly
Art for The Gathering Edge cover by David Mattingly

11 thoughts on “This just in: Eye Candy”

  1. OMG! Awesome! Looks like someone is not having a good day – hope it’s not one of ours!

  2. Yum! But _10_ months! (And do we know a Liaden term for a month? All. I can come up with is the word for a quarter)

  3. I gladly pay for the e-arc, and I also pay for the Audible as well as the Baen-month of the publishing for your books. But it occurs to me that if you were able to do so without violating your publishing agreements I would be delighted to pay you for drafts. Drafts in any sort of disorder.

    I really enjoyed getting weekly chapters of Fledgling and Saltation. Over at they have been giving away partial chapters most Fridays and I think it has improved their bottom-line, but I do not know for sure. But, I think I may have company in the “will happily pay you for the opportunity.”

    I would not want to distract you from writing, but perhaps the next time you and Madame your Agent were enjoying a cuppa you could discuss the possibilities.

    Thanks for the picture.

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