Liaden Universe® InfoDump: The Big, Crunchy Edition

Okey-dokey, then!  This is going to be chock-full of Stuff, so bear with me.  I’ll try to break things out into Subjects, to make it easier to digest.

The 2013 Liaden Universe® World Tour and Trade Secret Push!

Steve and I want to thank everyone who made our book tour a reality: Baen publisher Toni Weisskopf; Corinda Carfora, the Baen publicist; our wonderful drivers, Jim and Aileen; photographer David Decker; and most especially the intrepid indie bookstore owners and staff who put themselves out to make us feel welcome: Tyler Stewart at Pandemonium; Brian and crew at Toadstool Books in Milford NH; Patty Cryan of Annie’s Bookstop in Worcester;  Maria Perry of Flights of Fantasy; Joan Silvestro at Book Trader of Hamilton; and Thea Kotroba at the Chester County Book Company — and the PR folks at the Burlington, Worcester, Holyoke, and UPenn Barnes and Noble Bookstores —

And! Everyone who came out to meet us, listened to us talk, asked questions, and got their books signed.  It was great to meet you, live and in person!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

For those interested, there are pictures of the tour here.  We’ll add more, as soon as we get them off Steve’s camera.  Also!  If you have a picture from the tour that you’d like to see added to the album, email it to me at rolanniATGmailDOTcom, with your name and where it was taken.

We also want to thank PhilCon, for adding us to the list of panelists at what amounted to the Last Possible Second; especially Todd and Joanie Dashoff, and programming chair Hugh Casey.  We had a blast.

And we’d especially like to thank Robert the Red Cap at the 30th Street Station in Philadelphia, who sorted us out, got us to the train on time, made sure we were sitting on the right side, and wished us a safe trip back to Maine.

Also — is that one badass angel overlooking that train station, or what?

One more stop on the Trade Secret tour

Steve and I will be talking sci-fi and signing books at Books-a-Million in South Portland, Maine, this Sunday, November 17, from 2-4 pm.  Here’s a map, with phone number and address.  Hope to see you there!

Signed Trade Secrets on-hand at Uncle Hugos!

Uncle has fulfilled all preorders; and still has a few signed copies of Trade Secret in-hand, so if you missed getting a signed copy — or if you’d like to give a signed copy as a Yule gift (books make wonderful presents!) — you can still order from Uncle Hugo.  Here’s the link.

Carousel Sun news!

For them what partakes, the eArc of Carousel Sun, sequel to Carousel Tides, is now available from Baen.  Here’s the link.

The tradepaper edition of Carousel Sun will hit the shelves of your favorite bookstore in February 2014; the ebook, a few weeks earlier.  At this point, I have no news of an audio edition.

Now!  Don Blyly of Uncle Hugo’s and I are working out a system that will allow me to sign and personalize pre-ordered copies of Carousel Sun.  As soon as we have the bugs worked out, I’ll give you the link, and instructions.  So, watch the skies.  Or the waves.  Or, yanno, both.

The Tomorrow Log coming from Audible!

Lee and Miller’s The Tomorrow Log will be available from on December 3, 2013, narrated By Kevin T. Collins.

Speaking of Audible. . .

You are of course aware that Every! Liaden Universe®! Novel! in existence can be downloaded as audiobooks from   Here’s a link to the whole series.

News for Antipodeans is now carrying Kindle editions of Every! Liaden Universe®! Novel! and! Pinbeam eChapbooks!

Publication Schedule

The publication schedule (aka When Things Are Available for Purchase/Reading) now looks like this:

November 2013 Trade Secret hardcover, ebook, and audiobook
December 3, 2013The Tomorrow Log audiobook
January 2014A Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume 2 tradepaper
January 15, 2014:  “The Gift of Music,” free short story, Baen website
February 2014Carousel Sun tradepaper, ebook
March 2014Necessity’s Child mmp
January 2015Carousel Seas tradepaper, ebook

Here is the delivery schedule for the next five Liaden Universe® novels (aka the date that each novel is due in Madame the Editor’s hands):

May 15, 2014:  First of Five
February 15, 2015:  Second of Five
November 15, 2015:  Third of Five
August 15, 2016:  Fourth of Five
May 15, 2017:  Fifth of Five


4 thoughts on “Liaden Universe® InfoDump: The Big, Crunchy Edition”

  1. Loved Trade Secret & Necessity’s Child. I figure Sil Vor to be 8 yrs old in the story, which carefully does not ever tell his age………..glad to know upcoming schedule, but I may die of curiosity before finding out Daav/Aelliana’ fate, & if Win Ton will recover fully. I noted one recent discrepancy. At the end of Plan B you have Miri pregnant with twins, but she later has only one baby.What happened ?

    I have named 2 of my cats Tough Guy & Miri.

    Ps if you haven’ read them, my favorite books after yours are Hellspark & Mirable, both by Janet Kagan. They are both out of print & hard to find, but well worth the search.

  2. But Miri’s not pregnant with twins at the end of Plan B and never was. If I remember correctly, she’s not pregnant until the beginning of I Dare.

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