What Went Before: I returned to the keyboard after serving up Happy Hour. Trooper is calling foul and is trying to get Tali to fill out the form in triplicate to the Committee Cat. Tali is not interested in getting carbon on her toes, so I’m not sure that complaint’s going to be filed any time soon.
956-ish new words on the WIP, which brings it a whisper short of 5,000 total words. I’m pleased with the day’s progress, and look forward to making more progress, tomorrow.
I would like to report that the portable deadbolts I bought from Amazon really do work well, but I had reckoned without the Resident Void, who can quite easily stand up on his back feet and dork around with the chain — not a particularly safe situation. Cats, man…
I have received a Very, Very Dangerous Email from Vacassa offering almost-affordable places to stay oceanfront in Old Orchard Beach. I tried to avert my eyes — well, no, I didn’t. I opened the dern thing right up and started clicking. It’s a little unnerving to find that I know where most of these places are, including the one in Ocean Park, which is, yes, Just A Walk from the Beach, but it’s a Rather Stern Walk.
The ‘beans are clinging to this upcoming Weather Event like it’s their firstborn child. I’m not going anywhere, myself, and the generator is ready on standby, but I could honestly do without a Weather Event. I’m ready to be done with winter. Witness my explorations at the beach, above.
I think I’d better be done at the desk for the day, before I get into even more Dutch with the coon cats. I do still have to pair socks and clear the dishwasher, and by that time Trooper may have decided to file the report himself.
SNIPPET: “Treachery is always possible,” his former master reminded him in memory. “Honor is always possible. It is our task as traders to nurture honor while being alert for treachery.”
OR: “Trust in Allah, but tie your camel.”
Sunday. Snowed a couple inches on the overnight. Looks to be taking a breather right now, then we’re supposed to be treated to more snow and the ever-popular wintry mix.
Breakfast will be scrambled eggs. Lunch will be — dunno. Maybe leftover stew. Maybe a grilled cheese sandwich. We’ll see.
Today’s plans include changing out the cat boxes, baking a loaf of bread, writing, and contemplating the precipitation when and how it chooses to fall from the sky. Surely, that’s enough for one day.
So! Those who attended — how’s Boskone?
Everybody else — how’s the weekend been treating you?
Today’s title brought to you by Bruce Springsteen and Manfred Mann. Yes I do realize this is a Religious Thing that’s just as heat-inducing as Oxford Commas, and How Many Spaces After a Period. That being so:
“Blinded by the Light,” Manfred Mann
“Blinded by the Light,” Bruce Springsteen
Sunday morning photo shoot:
“Maybe leftover stew”? So you did make stew? Is it chicken stew? My chicken stew always becomes chicken and dumplings. Hope we hear here about Boskone. My day includes driving through the rain to get a haircut. Tomorrow is officially a holiday, during which I hope to work on one or a few creative projects and which do not involve words.
I did make chicken stew. Rather a lot of it, actually, so I’ll have some for leftovers and to freeze.
I just recently found you via BlueSky and I am just delighted! I have enjoyed your books for years. But to read a daily blog?! Each one leaves a smile on my face…difficult to do these days. Thank you for your books. Thank you for your blog. Thank you
Welcome — and thank you.
Loved the latest eArc and enjoy your musings on BlueSky. Today enjoying the pictures of your Maine Coons. We have three neighborhood rescues but our largest is 13 lbs. and two are in the 9 lbs. range. It is 68 here in the Arizona desert but we’ll get our payback in July!
Every cat picture makes my fingers twitch…want to pet the kitties!
The vibe I got from Boskone was “subdued”. Attendance seemed lighter than past years. Dealer’s room was sparse with more arts & crafts than books. Art seemed to be doing well….nothing truly expensive, but quite a few pieces sold in the $$$ range.
The older con aficionados were there, but I think a lot of people stayed away this year. I mostly went because this may be my last chance for Boskone in a while.