What went before: Still not finished the story, but! I feel much better about the story as a whole. It’s a rare wonder what the Active Voice will accomplish. I know I keep saying this, but! Maybe I’ll finish it tomorrow.
Saturday. Sunny and the ‘beans are calling for a high of 24F/-4C.
Breakfast was eggs scrambled with ham, cheese, onions, and toast. Kettle’s on for my second cup of tea. Lunch will be chili.
Today I’m working on the story, but, also! I intend to bake French bread this weekend. I was going to get into making bread every week, but the Lightning Turnaround on Diviner’s Bow, followed by getting sick, twice, kind of threw those rosy plans into the bin.
This recipe is a little tricky because you have to make the poolish the night before and let it rest overnight at “room temperature.” Overnight “room temperature” here at the Confusion Factory is 60F/16C, which is a little cool for dough, and of course the silly electric stove doesn’t have a pilot light (yes, yes, still bitter about having to give up my lovely propane stove). I guess I’ll just cover it and set it in the microwave to rise.
Assuming all goes well, and the poolish rises as should, this will be the inaugural use of the baking stone. I really hope I can pull this off; the batards I made at King Arthur Flour school were amazing, and I’ve been wanting more ever since I ate the last slice.
I also have a recipe for oatmeal blueberry lemon breakfast muffins that I’m wanting to try, but not today. I need to seek clarity of the differences between the “quick-cooking rolled oats” called for in the recipe and the Red Mill Old Fashioned Rolled Oats which is the household go-to.
Yeah, looks like I’m pretty much back online.
Those who follow the writing schedule should be aware that the deadline for the book after Diviner’s Bow (deadline=when I am to turn the book in) is April 15, 2026. This means there will probably not be a new Liaden book in 2026 (unless Baen opts to do the Lightning Thing again). I’m sorry about that, but I really need to protect my brain, which, aside the coon cats, is the Number One resource of the House.
Regarding The Big Cat Hunt — there is a cat show this weekend, so planning is on hold until next week. Watch the skies.
I think that’s all I’ve got.
What’s on the books for you this weekend?
Oh, hey, let’s do the Time Warp, again. Sharon Lee at Boskone 45. Photo by Steve Miller.
Would putting a towel-wrapped warm pet-safe heating pad or hot water bottle in there with the poolish when you go to sleep help avoid it cooling down too quickly? Or would that just add too much warmth and make it go too fast?
Sorry, I’m not a baker myself, I just like watching ChainBaker’s videos as it fascinates me what lovely things one can make from simple ingredients.
Nice picture!
Chain Baker has a bread (whose name escapes me at the moment), a multigrain blend of bread flour, whole wheat, rye, cornmeal, sesame seed, sunflower seed that I’ve made several times. My wife and I like it A LOT.
That sounds awesome. If you remember the name, or have a link, I’d be interested.
Quick oats are much thinner than old fashioned rolled oats. I think that substituting rolled oats for quick would result in not cooked oats.
Sharon, here’s the link to the youtube recipe.
Also, I forgot to mention (above) it also contains oats.
As far as I can tell, when making bread it makes not a whit of difference whether they are “quick” or “old fashioned”. I use them interchangeably.
ChainBaker’s playlist of rye breads is here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ97q0PY0sXLZwLYWU0idJbqzA4kdrOg8&feature=shared
I’m not sure exactly which is Fred Smith’s favorite.
I posted the link to the video here yesterday, did it get lost in moderation?
so, I’ll post it again. THIS:
is the bread I meant.
the link to the video is in my last comment, above, and here is the recipe itself: