And their eyes full of tinsel and fire

Wednesday. Google would have me believe it sunny. Google has an interesting take on “sunny.” Cold, yes. We agree on cold.

First mug of tea is to hand, and I’m again indulging in sugar cookies while I type this missive. Breakfast will eventually be a scrambled egg and an English muffin. P’rhaps even a scrambled egg on an English muffin, with a slice of cheese — yeah, that sounds good. Planned lunch is spaghetti and meatballs. Because I like spaghetti and meatballs.

Read a little late last night, with Classic Vinyl playing in the background. Kudos to Earle Bailey, who stuck to hoary old rock ‘n roll, with perhaps two seasonal songs, one of those being “I Believe in Father Christmas,” of which I happen to be rather fond. Thank you, Earle, for a pleasant evening.

The Thing that I Most Want To Do today is! Write. Truly, I haven’t been able to write anything for weeks now and that’s not how to Stay the Course *or* Stay on Target. So, today, I’m going to devote to writing new words, even if it means eating a cheese sandwich for lunch today and spaghetti tomorrow. Merry Christmas, from me to me.

I am going to have to go outside at some point after it “warms up” to deal with the snow berm against the garage door; fingers crossed that will be relatively easy.

Trooper is asleep in the copilot’s chair. Firefly and the Lord High Rookifer are back in Steve’s office, singing carols, I think.

I hope everyone has a pleasant day, doing what you most want to do.

Today’s blog title brought to you by Greg Lake, “I Believe in Father Christmas

Below, a picture of the author in all her winter sartorial elegance.  Blessed Be.

9 thoughts on “And their eyes full of tinsel and fire”

  1. Super Solstice. You look perfectly perfect. I too am celebrating the day quietly as I prefer, and at 67 I guess I get a choice. Enjoy, write, eat, and I’ll do the same.

    Best wishes for the new year.

  2. 12 Years ago, visiting relatives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, my 62 yo husband gaily shoveled the newest partial delivery of 200″ average snowfall, muttering that , “Yes, he knew they had a snow removal service, but this was fun.” (Fortunately, he passed on helping with the mid-season removal of 100″ of snow off the steep roofs.) We decided that if we were to move back there that we’d have no need of such an expense.

    Ha! Still living in SE Missouri (MUCH less snow!), those 12 years are weighing heavily on the joints and back. We’re still debating moving “elsewhere”, but would no longer deny the value of a snow removal service. However, I’m starting to think we need to live somewhere it’s not needed. We don’t like summer heat/humidity either, so all the proposals of Panama, Costa Rica, Belize, etc. tend to be unrealistic.

    In the meantime, perhaps you need to consider the value of some similar service – if they’re not too outrageous in cost in your area. Best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year to you and the cats.

  3. I have a plowguy. Unfortunately, he was in a tearing hurry yesterday, and did a fast sweep of the drive, cleared the steps (which I GREATLY appreciate), and split, leaving a berm in front of the garage door. Which meant that the door would not go up. I unlimbered the SnoJoe and dealt with that this afternoon. Happily, the snow was still fluffy. I’d have had to call in neighbors, if it had iced in.

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