First Sunday Check-In

In the US, this is Memorial Day Weekend.  For those of us who are freelancers and still hold to the Old Ways of keeping track of days by mail delivery, this is the first Sunday (no mail day) of the week, the second being tomorrow, aka Memorial Day (celebrated).

It has been a week of Parts, some of which I am not yet at liberty to share.

I can, however, talk about yesterday, which was a perfect Maine edge-of-summer day, when I went to Snow Pond Arts Center in Sidney to the Art/Makers Fair.  By myself.  It was a nice show, with a good cross-section of Maine artists — stained glass, handmade jewelry, pottery, photographs, art prints, designer clothes, cat toys (yes, I bought toys for the cats; that’s in the contract), tie-dye, live music . . . spread across three or four lodges on really beautiful camp grounds.

As I was walking from one lodge to another, having recently departed a conversation with a silversmith, it came to me, as a bolt from the blue (or indeed, as something Steve might suggest), that the silversmith might be able to resize Steve’s wedding ring, so that I could wear it.

Now, I have to pause here and explain that my relationship with Steve is rooted in magic; our first letters to each other talk about how Instant Recognition such as we experienced never happens; that as grown-ups we knew this, and so it was with eyes open that we were going forward — trusting magic.

So, I turned around and went back to the silversmith and asked her if she could resize a ring for me.  She allowed as how she could, so I went home, got the ring and went back.  The silversmith thinks she’ll have it ready for me next week.

I had a few errands to dispatch, afterward, in Augusta.  I thought I might actually eat out, but courage failed, so I came home and made myself a hot tuna and cheese sandwich in celebration (no really; hot tuna and cheese is a treat), noodled around the house some, putting things away and talking with the coon cats, and went to bed early, worn out by all the excitement.

Speaking of excitement — see what I did there?

Yes, excitement.

On June 1 — that’s Saturday! — Double Vision drops.  It is an ebook-only edition, for Reasons.  On June 1, it will be available from All of the Usual Suspects (including Baen). If you’re so minded, you may right now preorder from Most of the Usual Suspects (not including Baen).

As if that wasn’t enough excitement — The Uncle is, even as I type, shipping signed copies of Ribbon Dance to those who ordered.  If you want a signed copy, there are still some left, and you can order from the Uncle here.

The Official Release Day for Ribbon Dance is Tuesday, June 4, when hardcover and ebook will be available from All of the Usual Suspects.  You may preorder now from Most of Them.

A word regarding the Ribbon Dance audiobook.  Audible has chosen not to acquire the audio rights (no, I don’t know why; I expect because previous books haven’t made them enough money; that’s usually the reason for these things).  Baen is trying to place it with another audiobook publisher, but as of Right Now, there is NO Ribbon Dance audiobook on your horizon.  I know some people will be disappointed by this.  Trust me, I join you in your disappointment with a nice side helping of terror.

. . . and I think that catches us all up on the Important Things in Life.

Oh, no, I’m wrong.  Have a picture of Trooper, who has helping me write.


19 thoughts on “First Sunday Check-In”

  1. I enjoy your updates. Your cat is gorgeous. I know Trooper helped. One day I would like to see your area of Maine but at 75 it may not be possible. Blessings on you and the coons

  2. So much good reading to look forward to. Thanks for the Sunday Check-In. And hot tuna** and cheese is definitely a treat. In my neck of the woods the Friendly’s restaurant chain had a tuna melt which was my go-to meal. With a sundae to go with it. 🙂

    ** A great band too!

  3. I concur with everything Melody said. Hang in there Sharon your readers are here for you.

  4. I am going to search for Ribbon Dance on audible. It seems a subtle way to let them know I want it. I have purchased everything else. Does audible front the production costs? I know they carry other audio publishers, so I hope someone else picks it up.

  5. As best I know, Audible bears the cost of production, and Baen bears the cost of production for the paper and ebook editions.

  6. Re-readong Ribbon Dance e-arc and as usual finding lots of nuance I missed in the first gallop through. Always wish that buying the e-arc would let you get the final version to see how many changes.

  7. I always save a credit for the “next book”. I will search _Ribbon Dance_ also. And send in a comment when “Oh dear! I cant find _Ribbon Dance_ by my favorite authors!!”. I like the convenience of switching from reading by eye to reading by ear. Shame on Audible.

  8. I know there are many audio book fans, but I read very fast and listening to someone reading a book to me SLOWLY is not something I would enjoy. I hope another option can be found for those who want it.
    Now I’m looking forward to the arrival of my Ribnon Dance pre-order, which may come in the middle of the night. I live in the Mountain Time zone and if a book is available at midnight Eastern, I get it at 10 pm. YAY! New book?
    Thanks for letting us know how things are going, and the beautiful cat portrait, too ??

  9. My copy of Ribbon Dance, along with Fair Trade and Salvage Right, arrived yesterday!!

    Uncle Hugo was very helpful in providing me signed copies that will have a special spot on my bookshelf. Ribbon Dance sits on my table awaiting the completion of my current ebook series.

    The Maker Fair sounds lovely. I wish we had something similar in my town.

  10. Thanks for another reminder, really! I kept putting off my preorders, but now I’m all caught up. Can we see the ring when you get it back?

  11. Will bug Audible about Ribbon Dance. I can’t believe that they are ignoring it. Love.

  12. So bummed about Audible Ribbon Dance. I have everything Lee&Miller from Audible! My son (16) saw your picture and said “Maine Coon cat! I want one of those.”

  13. “…the silversmith might be able to resize Steve’s wedding ring, so that I could wear it” touches me deeply. I wear my late wife’s ring as well as my own as I type this one-handed (Parkinson’s). I would post an image here if I knew how, but alas…

  14. I was just thinking about how this weekend actually had THREE Sundays, as we took Tuesday morning off and made blueberry ricotta pancakes. (Niece was visiting for the weekend.) We also went to an Art/Craft fair (Paradise City in Northampton MA – definitely worthwhile). I look forward to rereading Ribbon Dance and reading Double Vision. I really enjoy your updates. I am glad the silversmith was cooperative.

  15. @Victoria

    I read pretty fast as well and wouldn’t want to listen to a slow reader. Fortunately, I am able to increase the speed of playback on my phone and have found that 1.75x usually works pretty well for me.

    I hope that Audible reconsiders or that another audiobook publisher is found because I’ve been listening to more and more audiobooks as I’ve gotten older. I do have the hardcover copy of the book, though, and will probably read it in the next month or two if there is no further word on an audio edition.

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