You can help promote Salvage Right!

Dear Friends of Liad and all the ships in space:

July 4 rolls rapidly toward us and beside being an important celebration for Americans, this July 4 is the official release day for Salvage Right, which you may recall is Lee and Miller’s 25th Liaden novel and 100th collaborative work – so two landmarks with this one!

Two landmarks in one book is certainly cause for celebration, and we want as many people as possible to get the news and join us in the happy dance of accomplishment.

If you’d like to help us get the word out, we’d love to have your help. You may say that there’s nothing you can do, that you’re only a reader, don’t have any important contacts, or any connections.

And you would be wrong.

For example, many of you are well-known to your local librarians — some of you are local librarians! — so one thing you can do as July 4 approaches is to request your libraries to add Salvage Right. Libraries especially are nice — doesn’t cost you, libraries need community input, and better still, if there are other Liaden titles, well, no time like the present to fill the blank spots. If your library is unfamiliar with our work you can point to some online resources we’ll post at the bottom for extra support. Are you a member of a book group at your library or local bookstore? Salvage Right could be just the thing for your summer read. Do you belong to a science fiction club? Maybe you can give a short presentation on the Liaden Universe®.

Besides face-to-face in Real Life with bookstore, literary, and library folks, you can do online face-to-facing if you tend in that direction. Here’s how:

Make posts in any relevant Facebook group about genre fiction or books – share a cover image for Salvage Right, and a few short lines about why you like the Liaden Universe® and are looking forward to Salvage Right, or share what makes Liaden Universe® books among your favorite reads.  Mention the eye-catching 100th collaboration figure if you like, or the five related short story stuffed Liaden Universe® Constellations.

Do you have a favorite genre blog, podcast, or YouTuber? Suggest a post or session on the Liaden Universe® using Salvage Right as a center piece. Point out, if you like, that most Liaden Universe® novels and many of the short works are already available as audiobooks. If you have your own blog or podcast, consider Salvage Right or Liaden Universe® coverage of your own. When you read Salvage Right don’t forget to post an Amazon review; you may be able to copy that same review to your regular posts.

If you’re active in their communities, don’t hesitate to suggest Liaden Universe® coverage to such places as Locus,, or even Hugo award-oriented outlets. You’ll see below that we’ve had some coverage from such places in the past:
Portland Press Herald

If you can help: word of mouth, word of print, or free-flowing electrons, we’d appreciate the support.

Many thanks to all of you, for your continuing support, and enthusiasm for our work!


4 thoughts on “You can help promote Salvage Right!”

  1. My local librarian…reference librarian…just retired after twenty-odd years. I’ll be breaking in her replacement. I’ve been instrumental in getting them to order your books, as well as books by Diana Gabaldon and other SFF authors I like. Their SFF collection isn’t as good as it could be. But I’m working on that.

  2. I tried to buy the book with the link . It let me fill everything in at the site then displayed a message to wait a minute but after 15 minutes nothing. The site has my email address, my credit card and cv so I’m sure it is something with my security settings but I do buy from other vendors. I ‘ll wait two days and see if I get anything in my inbox and then go over and buy the book at Barnes and Noble. I continue to support Barnes and Noble as most of the independent bookstores in my area have closed and I like to look at new books.

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