The Big News around here is that I have completed seven — SEVEN! — sessions of Ray Gun Therapy. Only 18 more to go.
I had hoped to get some work done this weekend, and may actually get there yet, but first — the Command Chair, because, despite having gone to bed early and gotten up late — I could use a nap. Trooper is promoting this heavily, having pushed into my lap as I was typing this short correspondence, and banging my chin repeatedly with the top of his head.
In more interesting news, I recorded three chapters from Mouse and Dragon that constitute one of my favorite scenes in the Liaden Universe® and they are being posted on Patreon, first for patrons, then, when the next chapter posts, the previous one is made available for All the World.
This means that Chapter Thirty is free for you — yes, you! — to listen to, right now, right here
Chapter Thirty-Two will be posted for patrons on May 18, whereupon Chapter Thirty-One will become public.
As reported earlier, I DARE t-shirts are being mailed, so — watch the skies!
I’ve been working, very slowly, on an Archers Beach story. Steve is working on the next Liaden novel, the deadline for which has been put back to mid-summer.
I do think that’s all the news that’s fit to print. I hope y’all are keeping safe and healthy.
I got my shirts today! Hurray and huzzah!
Kudos to Trooper, who is clearly in first place for the “Outstanding Support and Care of His Minion” Award. Be kind to yourself, as he is recommending.