In which the trolls go a bridge too far

This message is for those of you who primarily connect with me through Goodreads.  I am, in the face of the ongoing carnage and lack of oversight demonstrated on Goodreads*, removing my account — in fact, I would have already removed it, save that the instructions provided on-site for deleting an account are, um — inaccurate.  It will take Goodreads 5 days to get back to me on this.

Apparently, authors can not leave the system entirely — Goodreads will still record new books and publish reviews — like Amazon.  But I will not be directly involved even in the small way that I did participate.

Those who wish, can bookmark and follow this blog.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.


*For those who have not been following the story of carnage and lack of oversight, I offer this synopsis of events, compiled by Jason Sanford.

3 thoughts on “In which the trolls go a bridge too far”

  1. I read the article you linked to. How awful! I started using Goodreads just to keep track of the books I have and have not read. Then I got into posting my reviews there, because when I like a book, I want as many people as possible to know that I think it’s a good book, so maybe they will read it too. I just don’t understand even posting a bad review of a book to hurt an author, much less what these people are doing. I think I am going to go back to just posting reviews on my own website. At least then I know I’m not contributing to harming others.

  2. I really enjoy following your posts, so I want to keep following, but my RSS reader can’t find a feed on your blog. 🙁

  3. Sadly, this isn’t the first major kerfluffle on GR since I joined in 2012. Some have been autocratic decisions about reviews they allow to be posted, or which sort of book is NOT A BOOK (e.g., all the Great Courses audiobooks, which was 2018, maybe). I’m beginning to think about exporting to LibraryThing….
    I do follow several authors via the GR site, but this blog isn’t hard to bookmark. Thank you for stepping up in support of this besieged author.

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