What went before: Yeah, that bread isn’t gonna rise, but I’m giving it a chance. I Did Something. Or Failed to Do Something. We’ll see, but I Will Be Surprised.
In my own defense: I was sidetracked because a bag fastener exploded into my face when I was unsealing the plastic bag around the flour bag.
That was bad enough, but it deconstructed as it rebounded. I found the two big plastic pieces, but? I didn’t find the spring. As those of you who have read the syllabus will be aware — I have cats.
So, I went into overdrive, looking for the damned spring, got out the mop, the vacuum cleaner, and finally found it — far, far outside the kitchen (good spring), and then I got back to the dough, which was cold, and ‘way too sticky.
And, I expect I’m going to have a bruise on my cheek where the plastic casing hit, so that’ll be worth a Look with the Do You Feel Safe At Home question at the doctor’s office next week (answer — no. My Things are trying to murder me.)
Bread dough has been dismissed.
Now deciding if I’m going to push my luck and make a plain vanilla, so to speak whole wheat, or break out the Emergency Loaf from the freezer.
In other news, I’ve made an appointment to get a COVID booster on Monday, which is sooner than I had wanted, but an allowed move, since my last booster was in September, and I’m over four months. I’m hearing that COVID boosters may no longer be A Thing, and I am going to Baltimore in May…
SPOILER: I made a quick loaf of “plain vanilla” whole wheat. It turned out great. Photographic proof:
Saturday. Sunny and chilly.
Woke up at 6, went back to sleep until 7:30, laid there for another half hour trying to think of a reason to get up. I did not actually think of a reason to get up, unless, “Oh, for Goddess’ sake, don’t be a crybaby,” is a reason to get up.
Breakfast was toast (the “plain vanilla” whole wheat makes great toast — just a note for those playing along at home), cottage cheese, the last of the grapes. Finishing up the first mug of tea. Lunch will be, it says, here, That Yam you meant to eat last week.
I have a few chores to do, and I may pull out the scrapbooks that I’d been putting together last year about this time, and see if I can recover any idea of what I thought I was doing.
A quiet day, in other words, with nothing much on the schedule. Except putting the kettle on for another cup of tea.
Who has a schedule today?
Saturday morning cat census:
Surprised you beat your cats to the spring! That’s one spring yesterday, and another one tomorrow (“Spring ahead”). Hope your face recovers. The bread makes me hungry just to look at the fresh loaf! Lovely cat photos today (and I also remembered to backtrack to see the one I missed yesterday). No schedule today, per se, except I got up an hour early, just to get a jump on tomorrow’s time change.
Your cat pictures ’mind me of the childrens story where the man went to the Island of Cats picked up the Most Beautiful cat, to bring home, but then saw an Even More Beautiful cat, until by the end of the book he was bringing home All of the cats, because of that classic fairytale paradox wherein “Each was more beautiful than the others.” As a child I was baffled, but truly your cats embody this.