What went before Part One: Spoke to the hospital billing office, which, predictably, blamed the insurance company.
Spoke to the insurance company, which originally said, “$X? You should owe +$X!” I asked if they would please look at the previous incident of my going to the walk-in clinic a week before to see how much I had been billed for that. She did. The insurance company has Opened A Case. I may, for 30 days at least, ignore the bill. Insurance company will call me when its investigations are complete.
Went out to get the mileage on the car so I can call the dealership.
Part Two: All of my phone calls are made; all of my reservations are finalized.
As our navigator, Steve of course used to do all the route planning and hotel reservations. Even basing my route on one that he had refined, it’s exhausting.
I am now free to heat up and eat my lunch. After which I will perform my duty to the cats and possibly take a nap.
Part Three: No writing today. I am completely wiped out. Into the blanket fort with me!
Tuesday. Gloomy and already nearly as warm as it was yesterday. The ‘beans tell us we’re looking at 44F/7C today, and rain.
Trash and recycling are at the curb.
Breakfast was oatmeal with dried cranberries and walnuts. Lunch will be the rest of the chicken pie.
Tali and Rook are chasing each other around the house. Firefly is on the back of the comfy chair in my office, and Trooper is in the copilot’s seat.
I do need to go out this morning to get my meds from the pharmacy. Prolly should get cat food and milk while I’m there. Maybe drive past the car wash. Surely, people won’t be getting their cars washed on a day when it’s going to rain? Heh. Heh.
For those who collect such things, my headshot and short bio are up at the BaltiCon 59 website.
BaltiCon is very organized; I’ve already heard from the Guest Liaison, and this morning have a letter in-queue from the head of programming.
I know it’s early days, but could I see a show of hands — who thinks they’ll be coming to BaltiCon?
raises hand
For today — I have the above-said errands, one’s duty to the cats, answering the programming letter, and writing.
Tali is now standing on my lap and nibbling my fingers — and off she goes.
What’s happening with you today?
Today’s blog title brought to you by The Blue Jays, “I Dreamed Last Night”
Cats are in their appointed morning spots — that’s appointed by each of them, themselves, not yours truly. I am awaiting a virtual doctor’s visit to discuss my request, and example letter, for a reasonable accommodation to (continue to) work from home, remotely. Honestly, I would never have dug up 40-year-old roots to move to a different state a year-and-a-half ago if there’d been any foreshadowing of this Return to In-Person work requirement. I mean what is the point? None of my work involves a public-facing service, so I can work just as well from a different state here in the US. The only difference is that my boss cannot just drop by to check that I am in my cube, and I cannot just drop by his to chat and waste his time. Meetings can be accommodated using MS Teams. Ah, well. Who can predict the unpredictable?
Ed8r so sorry you got caught up in all this mess. My younger step-son just got transferred to DC, and the house they bought is a long way from where he works. Originally he only had to go in 3 days a week but he’s also caught up in the 5 day week requirement.
Sharon, I’m thinking about Balticon this year. I think the last time I went was 2016 when you and Steve were there (and I met Larry Niven!!). Driving out of the parking garage at 8 p.m. there was full-fledged traffic jam because the street was full of people doing what? I never figured out. Flash mob? The Inner Harbor is not the place it used to be; most of the restaurants that people frequent are now in Inner Harbor East. But I live close enough that a hotel room would be an unwarranted extravagance. We’ll see – maybe I’ll buy a one day ticket to Saturday.