They don’t give a damn about any trumpet playing band

What went before:  Hired somebody to maintain, which is an enormous load off my shoulders.

Waiting in my email this morning was a note from NESFA (New England Science Fiction Association); Tony Lewis has left us.  Tony and Suford let Steve and me park our car at their house for a week and took us to the train station so we could attend our first convention as Guests of Honor, Silicon, in 1998. Chatting with him and Suford was always a high point at Boskone.

Thursday. Frizzling (freezing drizzle, looks like). Once again the Big Storm wore itself out before it got to us.

Breakfast was PB&J on English muffin. Second cup of tea is brewing. Lunch will be — eh. No, wait. I got spaghetti and meatballs out of the freezer last night. Ta-da! Lunch.

So, I was flattened by the time I’d finished eating the evening meal, so I just took my book and a mug of tea and went to bed, where I was immediately joined by four cats, who immediately went to sleep. I read for a while, then shoved the propping pillow to one side, and joined them. So that was good. Next lesson: I’m going to have to stop thinking that 6:00 is early if I go to sleep at 10.

First up today is sitting by the window, watching the … frizzle frizz … and sketching in some scenes (y’all know that when I say things like “doodling” and “sketching” it means making notes and hand-drafting scenes, not actually doing art? Just wanted to clear that up.) This may actually be the only thing, aside one’s duty to the cats, and feeding myself lunch, that actually gets accomplished today, and if so, sobeit.

So, that’s it for me. Over to you.

Below the requested photos of the classy new cat bowls, provided by a Mystery Friend.

Today’s blog post title comes to you from Dire Straits, “The Sultans of Swing.”  Historical note:  I was on my way to Steve’s house, and this song “previewed” on the radio, so that almost the first thing I said to Steve after he let me in was, “I just heard this incredible song!  Sultans of –”  And Steve turned to his record player, picked up an album cover (Steve having been a music reviewer, he got free albums) and handed it to me.  “I was just listening to it, when you knocked.”  I happened to hear it on the radio this morning during breakfast.

3 thoughts on “They don’t give a damn about any trumpet playing band”

  1. First, and most importantly: those bowls are incredible, gorgeous, amazing! Next, I stand corrected about “doodling.” For some reason, my brain accepts “sketching in” as writing bits and pieces, but interpreted “doodling” as some kind of visual art. Thanks for clarifying! Finally, we’re supposed to get snow today here, starting in a couple hours, but it won’t be much and it won’t stay long according to the ‘beans it’ll be rain by tomorrow.

  2. Magnificent kitty dishes! I’m not gonna let Chitty see that picture or she’ll go on strike for a better bowl!

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