What Went Before: Yesterday, I changed out the cat boxes, vacuumed the basement, made bread, and wrote, all against a background of snow, then sleet. The plowguy came by in the late afternoon to plow the accumulation, leaving a skin of snow for the sleet to fall on, rather than taking it down to the asphalt and turning the driveway into an ice skating rink.
I also posted a snippet, which is reproduced below. Before we go there, however — A Word About Snippets: I often snippet from the WIP. I do this to share the joy of the work. In my mind, it’s analogous to my having baked a batch of cookies and offering you one. I am aware (sigh) that some people are … offended by snippets for various reasons that seem Good To Them. If you are one of those folks, and you see SNIPPET in one of my blog posts — skip over that part. You don’t need to write to me to explain how offended you are; I’m fine with not knowing. Both of our blood pressures will thank you.
SNIPPET: He sighed, and tapped the screen, swearing to himself that if it was anything less than news that the twelfth quadrant had disappeared, he would allow it to languish unopened until he had – and froze, staring at what was assuredly one of the rarest items in all the universe.
He had a letter from Theo.
Rarity though it was, he made no move to open it. Such things ought to be treated with respect, if not active alarm.
Monday. Windy and V. cold. Right now, it’s 17F-feels-like-7 (-8C-feels-like-minus-13). Avalanche warning for the White Mountains (in New Hampshire, about 120 miles from the Cat Farm) through Tuesday mid-morning.
Trooper is sitting on my lap helping me write this.
It snowed another inch or two on the overnight. Somebody was kind enough to plow out the berm at the end of the driveway last night. I know it was last night because a fresh-plowed pile would be dirty, and this one is white, so it was snowed upon after it was created. Dunno if the plowguy will be by for the last couple inches; time will tell, and as previously advertised, I’m not going anywhere.
I hereby declare that the trash and recycling will not be going out to the curb tomorrow. I cleared the trash containers in the house Saturday before it started snowing, so we’re all good here.
Breakfast was oatmeal with walnuts and raisins. Second cup of tea to hand. Lunch will definitely be leftover stew.
Last night, I again tried the reading-in-bed thing, eventually joined by Tali, and then Firefly. Rook did a check-in, but it was too early for him to go to bed. Trooper was in the big cat ring, and I don’t blame him for not wanting to leave it — that thing is cozy.
I was not particularly restful after I turned off the light, and even after Trooper joined me. He finally grumped, got down — and about five minutes later came back with Firefly, talking all the way. They both got on the bed, Firefly took up her position on my hip, Trooper on my ankle, and that did the trick. I slept until the late, luxurious hour of 6:15am. Cat magic FTW.
Dishwasher is doing its thing; I have my duty to the cats, a few pieces of correspondence, and some banking on the to-do list, but mostly, I’m free to write. I’m very interested to see where these letters lead us.
Apparently, I’m expecting a UPS delivery, but no mail — oh, wait. It is, in the US, President’s Day. No mail delivery. That’s fine.
How’s Monday treating everybody so far?
Today’s title brought to you by The Eagles, “Life in the Fast Lane”
Yesterday’s bread — this is a Pullman loaf, swiped by the US train chefs from the French pain de mie. Its chief attraction is that it makes a uniform square loaf that’s good for same-sized sandwiches, with very little waste. Mine is whole wheat; the original is a white bread loaf.
I love the snippet. It had me chuckling out loud. Not quite a laugh, but not at all a giggle exactly.
Thank you for my cookie-snippet. It went deliciously with my morning coffee.
I agree with Suzanne. I also was chuckling out loud at the snippet. Thanks!
I love the snippets – they whet my appetite for what is to come!
And when I want a loaf of whole wheat bread I make the King Arthur Flour recipe in the small pullman pan after reading about it on your blog some years ago, and I’m really happy with this bread.
I too love the snippets, they give me a bit of the same positive feelings I get from reading George Penney’s daily little “spotted in Aotearoa New Zealand” character sketch cameos on BlueSky, with some extra anticipation mixed in.