It used to seem to me that my life ran on too fast

What went before:  I’m looking to reacquaint myself with Gordy Arbuthnot and posted a Scavenger Hunt on FB, to make sure I had all the places where he has appeared and/or been mentioned in the Universe So Far.  This brought up a splinter — what had a very long time ago been thought by its fond authors to be the start of the second novel staring Shan and Priscilla (this being before we learned that “nobody” wanted to read about traders), and where it might be found.  The splinter is entitled “Shan and Priscilla Ride Again,” and it is collected in Pinbeam Books chapbook Splinter Universe Presents:  Might-have-beens and first thoughts from the Liaden Universe®.  Amazon link provided as a courtesy.

Moving on . . .

Friday. Sunny and cold enough.

Breakfast was a blueberry muffin with a side of cheddar cheese. Lunch will be … potatoes. Potatoes have potassium, which is good for what ails me, so I’m told.

I was going to Just Get To Work Today. I mean, that was the plan, but having eaten breakfast — I don’t feel so hot, so I’ll just be taking my second cup of tea to the Command Chair and continue with yesterday’s modest researches. Normally, I would do this from the comfy chair in my office, but the antibiotic I’m taking forbids me “direct or indirect” sunshine. Sigh.

Perhaps later I’ll be able to address the Mess on my Desk.

What’s everybody doing today?

Today’s blog title brought to to you by Steve Winwood, “Back in the High Life

Tete a tete:

One thought on “It used to seem to me that my life ran on too fast”

  1. what I’m doing today:
    1. went on a hunt for distilled water for my humidifier, for less than two bucks a gallon. found it at Walmart, though one of the regional grocery stores often has it for $0.99, they are often out of it.
    2. after a quick lunch, the wife and I went to a wake for an old friend. tons of friends and relatives there to celebrate his life.
    3. went home to collapse, after over-eating while doing #2.

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