What went before: Ended yesterday on a low note. I blame the grocery store.
What went before, The Long edition: 2024 was a Personal Worst. In February, I lost my best friend, my coauthor, and my spouse. In July, I lost my heart-cat, and maybe, or maybe not, had a stroke. In October, I turned in a book, and then did line edits, copy edits and galleys in a month. I’m still trying to figure out how I wrote a book last year.
Thursday. Bright and bitter cold. The weatherbeans theorize that the high temp on the day will be 15F/-9C. I’ll be staying in.
Breakfast was cottage cheese, toast, and strawberries. As pictured elsewhere, Rook got in my lap and pinned me down, so I finished my first mug of tea and played Spelling Bee to Solid.
Second mug of tea is with me here at the desk. Lunch will be leftover bean loaf, and, err, veggies.
The plowguy came by yesterday evening. I was surprised, but pleased. Much later, UPS arrived bearing a Large Carton. A kind friend had sent two heated throws for the use of the cats and myself. They were frozen stiff from their all-day tour of Central Maine, so I put them in the laundry room to thaw. They are now, as per instructions, being washed before use.
I have some 1099s of various flavors to log; I’m still missing 5, which seems unlikely, until I remember that I need a total of 20.
<serious discussion>I would like to take this opportunity while we’ll all together at the table sipping our beverages and preparing for what’s left of our day, to assert that I am not a slacker.
I know that there are things people want me to do that would “Only take X” and questions that people may believe I am ill-naturedly refusing to answer. I fear that those things lie with you, and not with me.
As I discussed in this space (note: this would be my Facebook Wall) only a week or so ago — I need to be very careful to protect my health — physical and mental. Steve used to do this for me — part of the way he did it was by answering, or explaining why he wasn’t going to/couldn’t answer, questions and expressed desires. I will allow that I am in no way as elegant, or as facile, as Steve was in these matters.
So, I’m asking you to please think before you tell me that This Thing would “Only Take X” or demand that I answer a question that you actually know the answer to, or can easily find the answer to. I am particularly vulnerable to people demanding that I Solve This Problem, and I have had to become very mindful of the fact that I’m not responsible for solving the problems of nations.
Now, you might be saying to yourself at this point that I’ve got a helluva lot of nerve asking you not to ask me things, when I ask for help pretty regularly.
In my mind, asking for help is not a demand; it’s a request, as in “Hey, if you have the time/inclination/skills could you–?” (Or, “Check this font; is it san serif?”) That’s what people do. I help when I can; so do you — I know you do because you help me. We’re all better when we help each other. And we’re all better when we accept help, when we need it.
All I’m doing is asking us all to be a little mindful. I’ll do my best; and I know you’ll do yours.</serious discussion>
I’m going to split the day between the domain situations, and staring into space. I will note here that “staring into space” = working, for those coming in late.
What’re you doing today?
Today’s blog title brought to you by Jason Kinney, “Neutra Face: An Ode On a Typeface”
Yesterday I had a wonderful experience with a home vet visit. My “Dr Jekykl-and-Mr Hyde” guy was actually enticed onto the scales and was weighed for the first time in several years. A young vet and two staff visited and listened to me babble out all the medical history for this guy and then discuss prescriptions and preparations for the future. There’s no way this cat will allow injections, so we’re just going to have to go on as we’ve been. Meanwhile, my other kitty, who is friendly to a fault, wanted all the attention. But she’s healthy and needed only medicated flea drops. Anyway, that was *my*day. Today will be back to work, and maybe tracking down my 1099s.
I suppose this won’t work but you might look for a volunteer moderator to respond to the inappropriate demands with simple response that this demand is inappropriate and belongs on fb where others may help them or tell them they are inappropriate! If you are familiar with Ilona Andrews their blog has a moderator for these requests!